- ICM 10 개최 알림
한국원자력학회 |
2006-02-03 11:55:58
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10th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials 가 아래와 같이 개최예정입니다.
관심있으신 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
-아 래-
일시 : 2007. 3.27-3.31
장소 : 부산 벡스코
논문초록 마감 : 2006. 3. 31
- Deformation behavior
- Fatigue
- Fracture and fracture mechanics
- Creep and superplasticity
- Failure mechanism and analysis
- Macro-, micro-, nano-mechanics
- Computational mechanics
- Multi-scale modeling and simulation
- Environmental effects on mechanical behavior
- Macro- and micro-scale forming
- Innovative testing and evaluation
- Application to nano/bio materials and composites
- Non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and non-destructive characterization (NDC)
- Life prediction and structural integrity assessment
- Reliability/ risk-informed analysis
- Mechanical behavior of joints
- Nanostructured polymers and polymer nanocomposites
- Others
Submission of Abstract: May 31, 2006
Notification of Acceptance: July 31, 2006
Submission of Full Paper: November 30, 2006
Deadline for Pre-registration: January 31, 2007
홈페이지 방문하기 www.icm10.org
관심있으신 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
-아 래-
일시 : 2007. 3.27-3.31
장소 : 부산 벡스코
논문초록 마감 : 2006. 3. 31
- Deformation behavior
- Fatigue
- Fracture and fracture mechanics
- Creep and superplasticity
- Failure mechanism and analysis
- Macro-, micro-, nano-mechanics
- Computational mechanics
- Multi-scale modeling and simulation
- Environmental effects on mechanical behavior
- Macro- and micro-scale forming
- Innovative testing and evaluation
- Application to nano/bio materials and composites
- Non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and non-destructive characterization (NDC)
- Life prediction and structural integrity assessment
- Reliability/ risk-informed analysis
- Mechanical behavior of joints
- Nanostructured polymers and polymer nanocomposites
- Others
Submission of Abstract: May 31, 2006
Notification of Acceptance: July 31, 2006
Submission of Full Paper: November 30, 2006
Deadline for Pre-registration: January 31, 2007
홈페이지 방문하기 www.icm10.org
- 이전
- ICCE-14 개최 알림
- 2006-03-13
- 다음
- 2nd Annual China Power & Alternative Energy Summit
- 2006-01-12