- NET 4월호 발행 안내 (Vol 47., No 3)
한국원자력학회 |
2015-04-27 20:55:52
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학회지 NET 제47권 3호 (Volume 47., Number 3., April 2015)가 발행되었습니다.
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‘‘Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Safety and Operating Experiences’’
Invited Articles
A Review of Inherent Safety Characteristics of Metal Alloy Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Fuel Against Postulated Accidents
Tanju Sofu
A Preliminary Evaluation of Unprotected Loss-of-Flow Accident for a Prototype Fast-Breeder Reactor
Tohru Suzuki , Yoshiharu Tobita , Kenichi Kawada , Hirotaka Tagami , Joji Sogabe , Kenichi Matsuba , Kei Ito and Hiroyuki Ohshima
Prolongation of the BOR-60 Reactor Operation
Alexey l. Izhutov , YURI M. Krasheninnikov , Igor Y. Zhemkov , Artem V. Varivtsev , Yuri V. Naboishchikov ,
Victor S. Neustroev and Valentin K. Shamardin
Safety Aspects of Intermediate Heat Transport and Decay Heat Removal Systems of Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors
Subhash Chander Chetal
Original Articles
Thermal Hydraulics
Quantitative Observation of Co-Current Stratifi ed Two-Phase Flow in a Horizontal Rectangular Channel
Seungtae Lee , Dong-Jin Euh , Seok Kim and Chul-Hwa Song
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of the Canadian Deuterium Uranium Moderator Tests at the Stern Laboratories Inc.
Hyoung Tae Kim and Se-Myong Chang
Feasibility Study of a Dedicated Nuclear Desalination System: Low-Pressure Inherent Heat Sink Nuclear Desalination Plant (Lind)
Ho Sik Kim , Hee Cheon NO , YuGwon Jo , Andhika Feri Wibisono , Byung Ha Park , Jinyoung Choi , Jeong Ik Lee , Yong Hoon Jeong and Nam Zin Cho
Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Radioactive Waste Management
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Cost Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis of Unit Costs on the Basis of an Equilibrium Model
S.K. Kim , W.I. Ko , S.R. Youn and R.X. Gao
Comparison of Neutronic Behavior of Uo 2 , (Th- 233 U)O 2 and (Th- 235 U)O 2 Fuels in a Typical Heavy Water Reactor
Seyed Mohammad Mirvakili , Masoomeh Alizadeh Kavafshary and Atiyeh Joze Vaziri
Nuclear Fuel and Reactor Materials
Effects of Ion Irradiation on Microstructure and Properties of Zirconium Alloys — A Review
Chunguang Yan , Rongshan Wang , Yanli Wang , Xitao Wang and Guanghai Bai
Nuclear Structural Analysis and Plant Management & Maintenance
Estimation of Leak Rate Through Circumferential Cracks in Pipes in Nuclear Power Plants
Jai Hak Park , Young Ki Cho , Sun Hye Kim and Jin Ho Lee
Strain-based Plastic Instability Acceptance Criteria for Ferritic Steel Safety Class 1 Nuclear Components Under Level D Service Loads
Ji-Su Kim , Han-Sang Lee , Jong-Sung Kim , Yun-Jae Kim and Jin-Won Kim
Structural Assessment of Reactor Pressure Vessel Under Multi-Layered Corium Formation Conditions
Tae Hyun Kim , Seung Hyun Kim and Yoon-Suk Chang
Human Resource Development and Energy Economics & Policy
Construction Schedule Delay Risk Assessment by Using Combined Ahp-Rii Methodology for an International Npp Project
Muhammed Mufazzal Hossen , Sunkoo Kang and Jonghyun Kim
Technical Note
Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Radioactive Waste Management
Design Optimization of Radiation Shielding Structure for Lead Slowing-Down Spectrometer System
Jeong Dong Kim , Sangjoon Ahn , Yong Deok Lee and Chang Je
- 이전
- 춘계학회 빠레브호텔 셔틀버스 시간표
- 2015-05-04
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- 2015춘계학술발표회 전체프로그램
- 2015-04-10