- 한중일 원자로물리분야 학술대회(RPHA2023) 안내
한국원자력학회 |
2023-10-13 08:47:39
| 2,726 Hit
우리 학회 원자로물리 및 계산과학 연구부회에서 2023년 10월 24일(화) ~ 26일(목) / 경주화백컨벤션센터(HICO)에서 개최하는 RPHA2023 관련 안내입니다.
1. Registration :
Registration is only possible in the registration desk with credit card through 13:00 October 23 (Monday) to 10:00 October 25 (Wednesday). The registration fees are 400,000 KRW (General) and 200,000 KRW (Students).
2. Final Program is now available (Please see the attached file 1).
3. Receipt for registration will be provided after 28 October after the conference, via e-mail. Please write down your e-mail address, your name, and your institute name on the list of participants on the registration desk.
4. We provide two lunch tickets and one dinner banquet ticket (24 October).
5. Transportation Information to the conference site (Please see the attached file 2).
1. Registration :
Registration is only possible in the registration desk with credit card through 13:00 October 23 (Monday) to 10:00 October 25 (Wednesday). The registration fees are 400,000 KRW (General) and 200,000 KRW (Students).
2. Final Program is now available (Please see the attached file 1).
3. Receipt for registration will be provided after 28 October after the conference, via e-mail. Please write down your e-mail address, your name, and your institute name on the list of participants on the registration desk.
4. We provide two lunch tickets and one dinner banquet ticket (24 October).
5. Transportation Information to the conference site (Please see the attached file 2).
- 이전
- [NET]11월호 발행 안내
- 2023-10-23
- 다음
- [NET] 10월호 발행 안내
- 2023-10-10