- NET 47권 6호 (10월호) 발행 안내
한국원자력학회 |
2015-10-23 20:18:00
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학회지 NET 제47권 6호 (Volume 47., Number 6, October 2015)가 발행되었습니다.
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Volume 47, Number 6, October 2015
[Review Article]
Thermal Hydraulics
Review of Supercritical Co 2 Power Cycle Technology and Current Status of Research and Development
Yoonhan Ahn , Seong Jun Bae , Minseok Kim , Seong Kuk Cho , Seungjoon Baik , Jeong Ik Lee , and Jae Eun Cha
[Original Articles]
Thermal Hydraulics
Interparticle Potential of 10 Nanometer Titanium Nanoparticles in Liquid Sodium: Theoretical Approach
Soo Jae Kim , Gunyeop Park , Hyun Sun Park , Moo Hwan Kim , and Jehyun Baek
Void Fraction Prediction for Separated Flows in the Nearly Horizontal Tubes
Tae-Hwan Ahn , Byong-Jo Yun, and Jae-Jun Jeong
Innovative Concept for an Ultra-Small Nuclear Thermal Rocket Utilizing a New Moderated Reactor
Seung Hyun Nam , Paolo Venneri , Yonghee Kim , Jeong Ik Lee , Soon Heung Chang, and Yong Hoon Jeong
Numerical Approach for Quantifi cation of Selfwastage Phenomena in Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor
Sunghyon Jang , Takashi Takata , Akira Yamaguchi , Akihiro Uchibori , Akikazu Kurihara , and Hiroyuki Ohshima
Nuclear Safety
Leak-Before-Break Analysis of Thermally Aged Nuclear Pipe Under Different Bending Moments
Xuming Lv , Shilei Li , Hailong Zhang , Yanli Wang , Zhaoxi Wang , Fei Xue , and Xitao Wang
Evaluation of an Accident Management Strategy of Emergency Water Injection using Fire Engines in aTypical Pressurized Water Reactor
Soo-Yong Park and Kwang-Il Ahn
Nuclear I&C
Verifi cation of Electromagnetic Effects from Wireless Devices in Operating Nuclear Power Plants
Song-Hae Ye , Young-Sik Kim , Ho-Sun Lyou , Min-Suk Kim , and Joon Lyou
Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Radioactive Waste Management
UV-Induced Polymerization of Size-Controlled Platinum/Poly[Styrene-Divinylbenzene-Tri(Propylene Glycol) Diacrylate] Hydrophobic Catalyst Beads in Microfl uidics
Jun Wei , Xiang Li , Tong Song , Zi-Fan Song , Zhen-Qi Chang , and Da-Qiao Meng
The Effect of Hydrogen and Oxygen Contents on Hydride Reorientations of Zirconium Alloy Cladding Tubes
Hyun-Jin Cha , Ki-Nam Jang , Ji-Hyeong An , and Kyu-Tae Kim
Nuclear Structural Analysis and Plant Management and Maintenance
Evaluation of Seismic Shear Capacity of Prestressed Concrete Containment Vessels with Fiber Reinforcement
Young-Sun Choun and Junhee Park
Integrity Analysis of an Upper Guide Structure Flange
Ki-Hyoung Lee , Sung-Sik Kang, and Myung Jo Jhung
Hot Cell Renovation in the Spent Fuel Conditioning Process Facility at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Seung Nam Yu , Jong Kwang Lee , Byung Suk Park , Ilje Cho, and Kiho Kim
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