- NET 학회지 2월호 발행(Vol.47., No. 1, February, 2015)
한국원자력학회 |
2015-02-27 19:02:28
| 3,315 Hit
NET 학회지 2월호가 발행되었습니다.
Invited Articles:
‘‘Current R&D Activities on Fission Product and Hydrogen Risk’’
Current Research and Development Activities on Fission Products and Hydrogen Risk after the Accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Takeshi Nishimura , Harutaka Hoshi and Akitoshi Hotta
Experimental Investigations Relevant for Hydrogen and Fission Product Issues Raised by the Fukushima Accident
Sanjeev Gupta
Overview on Hydrogen Risk Research and Development Activities: Methodology and Open Issues
Ahmed Bentaib , Nicolas Meynet and Alexandre Bleyer
Research Efforts for the Resolution of Hydrogen Risk
Seong-Wan Hong , Jongtae Kim , Hyung-Seok Kang , Young-Su Na
and Jinho Song
Original Articles
Reactor Physics
Recycling Option Search for a 600-MWe Sodium-cooled Transmutation Fast Reactor
Yong Kyo Lee and Myung Hyun Kim
Nuclear Safety
Hazard Analysis of Typhoon-related External Events Using Extreme Value Theory
Yochan Kim , Seung-Cheol Jang and Tae-Jin Lim
Evaluation of Heat-fl ux Distribution at the Inner and Outer Reactor Vessel Walls Under the in-vessel Retention Through External Reactor Vessel Cooling Condition
Jaehoon Jung , Sang Mo An , Kwang Soon Ha and Hwan Yeol Kim
Nuclear I&C
Prediction of Severe Accident Occurrence Time Using Support Vector Machines
Seung Geun Kim , Young Gyu No and Poong Hyun Seong
Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Radioactive Waste Management
Neutronics Investigation of CAN ada D euterium U ranium 6 Reactor Fueled (Transuranic – Th) O2 Using aComputational Method
Zohreh Gholamzadeh , Seyed Mohammad Mirvakili and Hossein Khalafi
Second-Order Sliding-Mode Control for a Pressurized Water Nuclear Reactor Considering the Xenon Concentration Feedback
Gholam Reza Ansarifar and Maesam Rafi
Nuclear Fuel and Reactor Materials
Techniques for Intergranular Crack Formation and Assessment in Alloy 600 Base and Alloy 182 Weld Metals
Tae Hyun Lee , Il Soon Hwang , Hong Deok Kim and Ji Hyun Kim
Nuclear Structural Analysis and Plant Management & Maintenance
Residual Stress Measurement on the Butt-welded Area by Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry
Kyeongsuk Kim , Taeho Choi , Man Gyun Na and Hyunchul Jung
Technical Notes
Thermal Hydraulics
Theoretical Study of Motion of Small Spherical Air Bubbles in a Uniform Shear Flow of Water
Syed Murtuza Mehdi and Sin Kim
A Proposed Correlation for Critical Flow Rate of Water Flow
Yeon-Sik Kim
아래의 주소를 클릭하시면 논문 원본을 보실 수 있습니다. (Fulltext XML)
*별첨: 2월호 목차*
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