- [행사개최알림]iFPC 2022 개최
한국원자력학회 |
2022-06-21 16:16:21
| 2,436 Hit
On behalf of the conference committees of International Fusion and Plasma Conference (iFPC 2022), it is my great pleasure to invite you to the first conference to be held in Jeju, Korea from August 22 to 26, 2022, as the inaugural chair.
The establishment of iFPC 2022 has been designed as an open forum, where all the top-notch experts in the fields of “fusion” and “plasma” science and technology could gather together to not only present what new knowledges and findings are being developed, but also share and discuss new innovative ideas with other colleagues in the backdrop of the beautiful scenery that Mother Nature delivers to us.
The major Conference topics are 1) Fusion Science, 2) Fusion Technology, 3) Plasma Fundamentals, 4) Plasma Applications, and 5) Accelerators and Laser-plasma.
The abstract submission deadline is June 26, 2022.
You can find the official poster of the iFPC 2022 at this link.
Please give us a lot of encouragement and support so that we can hold iFPC 2022 successfully.
Looking forward to seeing you in the Jeju, Korea. (a.k.a. Korean Hawaii) in August!
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
- Official Website: https://i-fpc.org/
The establishment of iFPC 2022 has been designed as an open forum, where all the top-notch experts in the fields of “fusion” and “plasma” science and technology could gather together to not only present what new knowledges and findings are being developed, but also share and discuss new innovative ideas with other colleagues in the backdrop of the beautiful scenery that Mother Nature delivers to us.
The major Conference topics are 1) Fusion Science, 2) Fusion Technology, 3) Plasma Fundamentals, 4) Plasma Applications, and 5) Accelerators and Laser-plasma.
The abstract submission deadline is June 26, 2022.
You can find the official poster of the iFPC 2022 at this link.
Please give us a lot of encouragement and support so that we can hold iFPC 2022 successfully.
Looking forward to seeing you in the Jeju, Korea. (a.k.a. Korean Hawaii) in August!
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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