

ISRD2018 : International Symposium on Radiation Detectors and
Their Uses

1. 개최 일자: 2018.1.23~26

2. 장소: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba, Japan.

3. Topics:
-Basic Process of Radiation Detector
-Gas-filled Detector
-Scintillators and Scintillation Detectors (including Photodetectors)
-Semiconductor Detectors: Materials and Devices
-Neutron Detectors and Instrumentation
-High Energy and Nuclear Physics Instrumentation
-Imaging Systems for Medical, Non-destructive Testing, and Other Uses
-Radioactivity Measurements and Dose Evaluations
-Environmental Radiations (including topics in space and in Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident)

*상세사항은 붙임 파일을 참고하시기 바랍니다.

첨부 1: ISRD2018 개최 안내문 1부