- 제14회 국제가속기 및 빔이용 컨퍼런스 개최 알림
한국원자력학회 |
2010-09-13 15:12:01
| 4,354 Hit
The 14th International Conference on Accelerators and Beam Utilizations will be held in
Gyeongju, Korea, from October 7 to 8, 2010.
Traditionally, the conference has covered emerging issues in advanced accelerator technologies and
utilizations of photons, electrons, protons, neutrons, and ions in a wide range of research fields,
ranging from NT, BT, IT, ET, ST,RT, medical applications, materials science, to basic science.
While keeping its own spirits, this conference will shed light on the major accelerator projects,
bio-medical applications and industrial applications through the plenary sessions and dedicated parallel sessions.
◇ Date : 10. 7 ~ 8 , 2010
◇ Venue : Gyeongju Hyundai
conference Homepage :
http:// www.komac.rekr/icabu10
Gyeongju, Korea, from October 7 to 8, 2010.
Traditionally, the conference has covered emerging issues in advanced accelerator technologies and
utilizations of photons, electrons, protons, neutrons, and ions in a wide range of research fields,
ranging from NT, BT, IT, ET, ST,RT, medical applications, materials science, to basic science.
While keeping its own spirits, this conference will shed light on the major accelerator projects,
bio-medical applications and industrial applications through the plenary sessions and dedicated parallel sessions.
◇ Date : 10. 7 ~ 8 , 2010
◇ Venue : Gyeongju Hyundai
conference Homepage :
http:// www.komac.rekr/icabu10
- 이전
- 대전 원자력산업 육성방안 세미나 개최
- 2010-09-14
- 다음
- 2010 행복한원자력페스티벌 개최 안내
- 2010-09-07