- NET 3월호 발행 (Special Issue on the WRFPM 2017)
한국원자력학회 |
2018-03-15 16:25:02
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논문 바로 보기 링크(Science Direct):
Special issue on the water reactor fuel performance meeting 2017 (WRFPM 2017)
Yanghyun Koo, Kunwoo Song
Original Articles
1. Effect of a surface oxide-dispersion-strengthened layer on mechanical strength of zircaloy-4 tubes
Yang-Il Jung, Dong-Jun Park, Jung-Hwan Park, Hyun-Gil Kim, ... Yang-Hyun Koo
2. AREVA NP's enhanced accident-tolerant fuel developments: Focus on Cr-coated M5 cladding
Jeremy Bischoff, Christine Delafoy, Christine Vauglin, Pierre Barberis, ... Kiran Nimishakavi
3. Development of Cr cold spray–coated fuel cladding with enhanced accident tolerance
Martin Ševeček, Anil Gurgen, Arunkumar Seshadri, Yifeng Che, ... Koroush Shirvan
4. High-temperature interaction of oxygen-preloaded Zr1Nb alloy with nitrogen
Martin Steinbrück, Stefen Prestel, Uta Gerhards
5. Effects of Zr-hydride distribution of irradiated Zircaloy-2 cladding in RIA-simulating pellet-clad mechanical interaction testing
Per Magnusson, Anna-Maria Alvarez-Holston, Katja Ammon, Guido Ledergerber, ... Jonathan Wright
6. Development status of microcell UO2 pellet for accident-tolerant fuel
Dong-Joo Kim, Keon Sik Kim, Dong Seok Kim, Jang Soo Oh, ... Yang-Hyun Koo
7. Focused ion beam–scanning electron microscope examination of high burn-up UO2 in the center of a pellet
J. Noirot, I. Zacharie-Aubrun, T. Blay
8. Simulation of reactivity-initiated accident transients on UO2-M5® fuel rods with ALCYONE V1.4 fuel performance code
Isabelle Guénot-Delahaie, Jérôme Sercombe, Thomas Helfer, Patrick Goldbronn, ... Christian Bernaudat
9. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in reactivity-initiated accident fuel modeling: synthesis of organisation for economic co-operation and development (OECD)/nuclear energy agency (NEA) benchmark on reactivity-initiated accident codes phase-II
Olivier Marchand, Jinzhao Zhang, Marco Cherubini
10. Mechanical robustness of AREVA NP's GAIA fuel design under seismic and LOCA excitations
Brian Painter, Brett Matthews, Pierre-Henri Louf, Hervé Lebail, Veit Marx
11. Mechanical analysis of the bow deformation of a row of fuel assemblies in a PWR core
Andreas Wanninger, Marcus Seidl, Rafael Macián-Juan
12. FRAPCON analysis of cladding performance during dry storage operations
David J. Richmond, Kenneth J. Geelhood
Technical Note
1. Dry storage of spent nuclear fuel and high active waste in Germany—Current situation and technical aspects on inventories integrity for a prolonged storage time
Gerold Spykman
- 이전
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