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한국원자력학회 |
2018-04-13 15:32:44
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<논문원본 보기 ---->>>https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/nuclear-engineering-and-technology/vol/50/issue/3_
International Journal of the Korean Nuclear Society
Volume 50, Number 3, April 2018
Review Article
Nuclear Safety
Analysis of the technical status of multiunit risk assessment in nuclear power plants
Changkyung Seong , Gyunyoung Heo , Sejin Baek , Ji Woong Yoon , and Man Cheol Kim
Original Articles
Reactor Physics
One-node and two-node hybrid coarse-mesh fi nite difference algorithm for efficient pin-by-pin core calculation
Seongho Song , Hwanyeal Yu , and Yonghee Kim
Development of a fast reactor multigroup cross section generation code EXUS-F capable of direct processing of evaluated nuclear data files
Changhyun Lim , Han Gyu Joo , and Won Sik Yang
Thermal Hydraulics
Modeling and analysis of selected Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development PKL-3 station blackout experiments using TRACE
Roman Mukin , Ivor Clifford , Omar Zerkak , and Hakim Ferroukhi
Particle image velocimetry measurement of complex flow structures in the diffuser and spherical casing of a reactor coolant pump
Yongchao Zhang , Minguan Yang , Dan Ni , Ning Zhang , and Bo Gao
Development of droplet entrainment and deposition models for horizontal flow
Joshua Kim Schimpf , Kyung Doo Kim , Jaeseok Heo , and Byoung Jae Kim
A frame work for heat generation/absorption and modified homogeneous – heterogeneous reaction in flow based on non-Darcy – Forchheimer medium
Tasawar Hayat , Salman Ahmad , Muhammad I. Khan , Muhammad I. Khan , and Ahmed Alsaedi
Nuclear I&C
An intelligent hybrid methodology of on-line system-level fault diagnosis for nuclear power plant
Min-jun Peng , Hang Wang , Shan-shan Chen , Geng-lei Xia , Yong-kuo Liu , Xu Yang , and Abiodun Ayodeji
Nuclear Physics, Fusion, and Laser Technology
Theoretical study of cross sections of proton-induced reactions on cobalt
Mustafa Yi g˘ it
Nuclear Fuel and Reactor Materials
Microscopic characterization of pretransition oxide formed on Zr – Nb – Sn alloy under various Zn and dissolved hydrogen concentrations
Sungyu Kim , Taeho Kim , Ji Hyun Kim , and Chi Bum Bahn
Evaluation of axial and tangential ultimate tensile strength of zirconium cladding tubes
M á rton Kir á ly , D á niel Mih á ly Ant ó k , L á szl ó n é Horv á th , and Zolt á n H ó zer
Radiation Application
Characterization of saturation of CR-39 detector at high alpha-particle fluence
M. El Ghazaly and Nabil M. Hassan
Experimental and theoretical study of BF 3 detector response for thermal neutrons in reflecting materials
Rubina Nasir , Faiza Aziz , Sikander M. Mirza , and Nasir M. Mirza
Estimation of nuclear heating by delayed gamma rays from radioactive structural materials of HANARO
Tae-yang Noh , Byung-Gun Park , and Myong-Seop Kim
Radiation Protection
Analysis of queuing mine-cars affecting shaft station radon concentrations in Quzhou uranium mine, eastern China
Changshou Hong , Guoyan Zhao , and Xiangyang Li
Background reduction by Cu/Pb shielding and efficiency study of NaI(TI) detector
Revink A. Ramadhan and Khairi M-S. Abdullah
Preparation and characteristics of a flexible neutron and _ -ray shielding and radiation-resistant material reinforced by benzophenone
Pin Gong , Minxuan Ni , Hao Chai , Feida Chen , and Xiaobin Tang
Nuclear Structural Analysis and Plant Management & Maintenance
Preliminary design of a production automation framework for a pyroprocessing facility
Moonsoo Shin , Dongseok Ryu , Jonghui Han , Kiho Kim , and Young-Jun Son
Nuclear Policy, Economics and Human Resource Development
Initial estimates of the economical attractiveness of a nuclear closed Brayton combined cycle operating with firebrick resistance-heated energy storage
Florian Chavagnat and Daniel Curtis
Necessity of management for minor earthquake to improve public acceptance of nuclear energy in South Korea
Hyun-Tae Choi and Tae-Ryong Kim
Technical Notes
Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Radioactive Waste Management
Innovative technologies for spent fuel safe management at Ignalina channel-type reactors
Egidijus Babilas , Pavel Dokucajev , Darius Janulevi Cˇ ius , Aleksej Markelov , Raimondas Pabar Cˇ ius ,
Sigitas Rimkevi Cˇ ius , Eugenijus U š puras , and Mindaugas Vai š noras
Radiation Protection
Investigation of the relationship between earthquakes and indoor radon concentrations at a building in Gyeongju, Korea
Jae Wook Kim , Han Young Joo , Rinah Kim , and Joo Hyun Moon
An innovative idea for developing a new gamma-ray dosimetry system based on optical colorimetry techniques
Mihail-Razvan Ioan
Retrospective dosimetry using fingernail electron paramagnetic resonance response
Abbas Noori , Mojtaba Mostajaboddavati , and Farhood Ziaie
<논문원본 보기 ---->>>https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/nuclear-engineering-and-technology/vol/50/issue/3_
International Journal of the Korean Nuclear Society
Volume 50, Number 3, April 2018
Review Article
Nuclear Safety
Analysis of the technical status of multiunit risk assessment in nuclear power plants
Changkyung Seong , Gyunyoung Heo , Sejin Baek , Ji Woong Yoon , and Man Cheol Kim
Original Articles
Reactor Physics
One-node and two-node hybrid coarse-mesh fi nite difference algorithm for efficient pin-by-pin core calculation
Seongho Song , Hwanyeal Yu , and Yonghee Kim
Development of a fast reactor multigroup cross section generation code EXUS-F capable of direct processing of evaluated nuclear data files
Changhyun Lim , Han Gyu Joo , and Won Sik Yang
Thermal Hydraulics
Modeling and analysis of selected Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development PKL-3 station blackout experiments using TRACE
Roman Mukin , Ivor Clifford , Omar Zerkak , and Hakim Ferroukhi
Particle image velocimetry measurement of complex flow structures in the diffuser and spherical casing of a reactor coolant pump
Yongchao Zhang , Minguan Yang , Dan Ni , Ning Zhang , and Bo Gao
Development of droplet entrainment and deposition models for horizontal flow
Joshua Kim Schimpf , Kyung Doo Kim , Jaeseok Heo , and Byoung Jae Kim
A frame work for heat generation/absorption and modified homogeneous – heterogeneous reaction in flow based on non-Darcy – Forchheimer medium
Tasawar Hayat , Salman Ahmad , Muhammad I. Khan , Muhammad I. Khan , and Ahmed Alsaedi
Nuclear I&C
An intelligent hybrid methodology of on-line system-level fault diagnosis for nuclear power plant
Min-jun Peng , Hang Wang , Shan-shan Chen , Geng-lei Xia , Yong-kuo Liu , Xu Yang , and Abiodun Ayodeji
Nuclear Physics, Fusion, and Laser Technology
Theoretical study of cross sections of proton-induced reactions on cobalt
Mustafa Yi g˘ it
Nuclear Fuel and Reactor Materials
Microscopic characterization of pretransition oxide formed on Zr – Nb – Sn alloy under various Zn and dissolved hydrogen concentrations
Sungyu Kim , Taeho Kim , Ji Hyun Kim , and Chi Bum Bahn
Evaluation of axial and tangential ultimate tensile strength of zirconium cladding tubes
M á rton Kir á ly , D á niel Mih á ly Ant ó k , L á szl ó n é Horv á th , and Zolt á n H ó zer
Radiation Application
Characterization of saturation of CR-39 detector at high alpha-particle fluence
M. El Ghazaly and Nabil M. Hassan
Experimental and theoretical study of BF 3 detector response for thermal neutrons in reflecting materials
Rubina Nasir , Faiza Aziz , Sikander M. Mirza , and Nasir M. Mirza
Estimation of nuclear heating by delayed gamma rays from radioactive structural materials of HANARO
Tae-yang Noh , Byung-Gun Park , and Myong-Seop Kim
Radiation Protection
Analysis of queuing mine-cars affecting shaft station radon concentrations in Quzhou uranium mine, eastern China
Changshou Hong , Guoyan Zhao , and Xiangyang Li
Background reduction by Cu/Pb shielding and efficiency study of NaI(TI) detector
Revink A. Ramadhan and Khairi M-S. Abdullah
Preparation and characteristics of a flexible neutron and _ -ray shielding and radiation-resistant material reinforced by benzophenone
Pin Gong , Minxuan Ni , Hao Chai , Feida Chen , and Xiaobin Tang
Nuclear Structural Analysis and Plant Management & Maintenance
Preliminary design of a production automation framework for a pyroprocessing facility
Moonsoo Shin , Dongseok Ryu , Jonghui Han , Kiho Kim , and Young-Jun Son
Nuclear Policy, Economics and Human Resource Development
Initial estimates of the economical attractiveness of a nuclear closed Brayton combined cycle operating with firebrick resistance-heated energy storage
Florian Chavagnat and Daniel Curtis
Necessity of management for minor earthquake to improve public acceptance of nuclear energy in South Korea
Hyun-Tae Choi and Tae-Ryong Kim
Technical Notes
Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Radioactive Waste Management
Innovative technologies for spent fuel safe management at Ignalina channel-type reactors
Egidijus Babilas , Pavel Dokucajev , Darius Janulevi Cˇ ius , Aleksej Markelov , Raimondas Pabar Cˇ ius ,
Sigitas Rimkevi Cˇ ius , Eugenijus U š puras , and Mindaugas Vai š noras
Radiation Protection
Investigation of the relationship between earthquakes and indoor radon concentrations at a building in Gyeongju, Korea
Jae Wook Kim , Han Young Joo , Rinah Kim , and Joo Hyun Moon
An innovative idea for developing a new gamma-ray dosimetry system based on optical colorimetry techniques
Mihail-Razvan Ioan
Retrospective dosimetry using fingernail electron paramagnetic resonance response
Abbas Noori , Mojtaba Mostajaboddavati , and Farhood Ziaie
- 이전
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