- NET 47권2호 발행 안내 (Special Issue on ISOFIC/ISSNP2014)
한국원자력학회 |
2015-03-30 20:53:27
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학회지 NET 제47권 2호 Special Issue on ISOFIC/ISSNP2014 (Volume 47., Number 2., March 2015)가 발행되었습니다.
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1. Science Direct 바로가기 : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/17385733
2. 원자력학회 홈페이지 바로가기 (창간호부터 신규호까지 열람 가능) : http://www.kns.org/sub/04/sub_04_02.php?search=vol&key=47
Special Issue on ISOFIC/ISSNP2014 Original Articles Prediction of Hydrogen Concentration in Containment During Severe Accidents Using Fuzzy Neural Network Dong Yeong Kim, Ju Hyun Kim, Kwae Hwan Yoo and Man Gyun Na Instrumentation and Control Strategies for an Integral Pressurized Water Reactor Belle R. Upadhyaya, Matthew R. Lish, J. Wesley Hines and Ryan A. Tarver Evaluation of Plant Operational States with the Consideration of Loop Structures Under Accident Conditions Takeshi Matsuoka Study of Core Support Barrel Vibration Monitoring Using Ex-Core Neutron Noise Analysis and Fuzzy Logic Algorithm *Cover Article Robby Christian, Seon Ho Song and Hyun Gook Kang Semisupervised Classification for Fault Diagnosis in Nuclear Power Plants Jianping Ma and Jin Jiang Identification of Human-Induced Initiating Events in the Low Power and Shutdown Operation Using the Commission Error Search and Assessment Method Yongchan Kim and Jonghyun Kim Mode Control of Guided Wave in Magnetic Hollow Cylinder Using Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer Array Akinori Furusawa , Fumio Kojima and Atsushi Morikawa Reliability Data Update Using Condition Monitoring and Prognostics in Probabilistic Safety Assessment Hyeonmin Kim , Sang-Hwan Lee , Jun-Seok Park , Hyungdae Kim , Yoon-Suk Chang and Gyunyoung Heo Technical Notes Evaluation of Static Analysis Tools Used to Assess Software Important to Nuclear Power Plant Safety Alain Ourghanlian
Vibration Signal Analysis of Main Coolant Pump Flyhweel Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform Meiru Liu, Hong Xia, Lin Sun, Bin Li and Yang Yang

- 이전
- 제2회 한국원자력대상 수상후보자 추천 안내
- 2015-04-01
- 다음
- 해양-원자력 공동위원회 보고서 공개
- 2015-03-20