- 미국 지부 모임 안내
한국원자력학회 |
2019-11-13 09:13:04
| 3,940 Hit
ANS Annual Meeting 2019 기간 동안 원자력학회 미국지부 모임이 개최되오니 회원여러분들의 관심과 참여를 부탁드립니다.
Korean Nuclear Society 2019 US Chapter Annual Meeting
Date and time : 5:00 ~ 7:00 pm, Monday, 11/18
Location : Washington 6, Marriott Wardman Park
Agenda :
5:00 pm Introduction
5:20 pm A special talk by Dr. Percher (LLNL) on “Importance of Critical Experiments and Recent Research in the U.S.A.”
Dr. Catherine Percher is the staff member of the LLNL Nuclear Criticality Safety Division (NCSD)
and the chair of the ANS Nuclear Criticality Safety Division
6:00 – 6:30 pm Discussion and closing
7:00 pm Dinner & Social
Korean Nuclear Society 2019 US Chapter Annual Meeting
Date and time : 5:00 ~ 7:00 pm, Monday, 11/18
Location : Washington 6, Marriott Wardman Park
Agenda :
5:00 pm Introduction
5:20 pm A special talk by Dr. Percher (LLNL) on “Importance of Critical Experiments and Recent Research in the U.S.A.”
Dr. Catherine Percher is the staff member of the LLNL Nuclear Criticality Safety Division (NCSD)
and the chair of the ANS Nuclear Criticality Safety Division
6:00 – 6:30 pm Discussion and closing
7:00 pm Dinner & Social
- 이전
- 과총 2019년도 학술활동 우수학회 선정
- 2019-12-06
- 다음
- 회원정보 업데이트 요청(소속 연구부회 2개 필수 선택)
- 2019-11-11