- NET 제47권 4호 발행 안내 (6월호)
한국원자력학회 |
2015-06-23 16:14:06
| 3,626 Hit
학회지 NET 제47권 4호 (Volume 47., Number 4., June 2015)가 발행되었습니다.
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Selected papers from “the 9th Korea-Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-9)”
Effects of Grid Spacer with Mixing Vane on Entrainments and Depositions in Two-Phase Annular Flows
Akimaro Kawahara , Michio Sadatomi , Shogo Imamura , Yuta Shimoharai , Yudai Hirakata and Masato Endo
Effects of Al 2 o 3 Nanoparticles Deposition on Critical Heat Flux of R-123 in Flow Boiling Heat Transfer
Seok Bin seo and In Cheol Bang
An Improved Heat Transfer Correlation for Developing Post-Dryout Region in Vertical Tubes
Ngoc Hung Nguyen and Sang-Ki Moon
Original Articles
Thermal Hydraulics
New Wall Drag and Form Loss Models for One-Dimensional Dispersed Two-Phase Flow
Byoung Jae Kim , Seung Wook Lee and Kyung Doo Kim
Two-Dimensional Simulation of Hydrogen Iodide Decomposition Reaction Using Fluent Code for Hydrogen Production Using Nuclear Technology
Jung-Sik Choi , Young-Joon Shin , Ki-Young Lee and Jae-Hyuk Choi
Nuclear Safety
Safety Analysis of Increase in Heat Removal from Reactor Coolant System with Inadvertent Operation of Passive Residual Heat Removal at No-Load Conditions
Ge Shao and Xuewu Cao
Development of an Operation Strategy for a Hybrid Safety Injection Tank with an Active System
In Seop Jeon and Hyun Gook Kang
Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Stress Corrosion Cracks in a Type 304 Stainless Steel Tube
Woonggi Hwang , Seunggi Bae , Jaeseong Kim , Sungsik Kang , Nogwon Kwag and Boyoung Lee
Nuclear I&C
Integrated Societal Risk Assessment Framework for Nuclear Power and Renewable Energy Sources
Sang Hun Lee and Hyun Gook Kang
Radiation Applications and Shielding
The Adaptation Method in the Monte Carlo Simulation for Computed Tomography
Hyounggun Lee , Changyeon Yoon , Seungryong Cho , Sung Ho Park and Wonho Lee
Replacement of a Photomultiplier Tube in a 2-Inch Thallium-Doped Sodium Iodide Gamma Spectrometer with Silicon Photomultipliers and a Light Guide
Chankyu Kim , Hyoungtaek Kim , Jongyul Kim , Chaehun Lee , Hyunjun Yoo , Dong Uk Kang , Minsik Cho , Myung Soo Kim , Daehee Lee , Yewon Kim , Kyung Taek Lim , Shiyoung Yang and Gyuseong Cho
Nuclear Structural Analysis and Plant Management & Maintenance
Vibration Displacement Measurement Technology for Cylindrical Structures Using Camera Images
Ki-Sung Son , Hyeong-Seop Jeon , Jin-Ho Park and Jong Won Park
Free Vibration Analysis of Perforated Plate with Square Penetration Pattern Using Equivalent Material Properties
Myung Jo Jhung and Kyeong Hoon Jeong
- 이전
- 2015추계학술발표회 논문모집 안내
- 2015-06-24
- 다음
- 원전주변주민과 갑상선암 발생에 관한 과학적 분석 보고서 공개
- 2015-06-23