- [NET] 10월호 발행
한국원자력학회 |
2016-10-21 09:32:45
| 3,807 Hit
NET 10월호(Vol. 48., No. 5, 2016)가 발행되었습니다.
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Invited Articles
Innovation Toward Effective LWR Spent Fuel Management with Superior Safety Characteristics: Prototype Gen IV Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor
Overall System Description and Safety Characteristics of Prototype Gen IV Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor in Korea
Jaewoon Yoo , Jinwook Chang , Jae-Yong Lim , Jin-Sik Cheon , Tae-Ho Lee , Sung Kyun Kim , Kwi Lim Lee , and Hyung-Kook
A Preliminary Safety Analysis for the Prototype Gen IV Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor
Kwi Lim Lee , Kwi-Seok Ha , Jae-Ho Jeong , Chi-Woong Choi , Taekyeong Jeong , Sang June Ahn ,
Seung Won Lee , Won-Pyo Chang , Seok Hun Kang , and Jaewoon Yoo
On the Safety and Performance Demonstration Tests of Prototype Gen-IV Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor and Validation and Verifi cation of Computational Codes
Jong-Bum Kim , Ji-Young Jeong , Tae-Ho Lee , Sungkyun Kim , Dong-Jin Euh , and Hyung-Kook Joo
Metal Fuel Development and Verifi cation for Prototype Generation IV Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor
Chan Bock Lee , Jin Sik Cheon , Sung Ho Kim , Jeong-Yong Park , and Hyung-Kook Joo
<첨부> 10월호 목차
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