
원자력 소식

2024년 IEA 각료회의는 탄소중립을 위해 원자력발전이 명시된 선언문을 채택했다. IEA(International Energy Agency)는 OECD 산하기구이며 석유, 석탄, 재생에너지 등을 에너지 전반을 다루고 있다. OECD 산하기구인 NEA(Nuclear Energy Agency)가 별도로 활동하기 때문인지 모르지만 IEA는 원자력을 거의 언급하지 않는다. 그러나 모든 가용자원을 활용하여 지구온난화를 막아야 하는 당면 과제를 고려하면 IEA의 원자력에 대한 침묵은 이해하기 어려웠다.


그런데 2024 IEA 각료회의는 원자력발전소을 이산화탄소 저감대책으로 사용한 국가를 존중하면서 동시에 원자력의 안전과 비확산 대책의 중요성을 언급했다. 아래 내용은 선언문중의 원자력 부분이다.


"15. Those countries that opt to use nuclear energy or support its use recognise its potential as a clean energy source that can reduce dependence on fossil fuels, to address the climate crisis and improve global energy security. These countries recognise nuclear energy as a source of baseload power, providing grid stability and flexibility, and optimising use of grid capacity, while other countries choose other options to achieve the same goals. We recognise the importance of ensuring the highest standards of nuclear safety, security and non-proliferation."


너무나 당연한 안전과 비확산을 반복한 이 선언문에 원자력계는 아쉬워할 수도 있겠지만 IEA의 기본 기조를 고려하면 진일보한 선언문이다. 원자력이 이산화탄소를 저감하고 기저 부하를 담당한다고 명시한 문장에서 IEA가 세계 에너지 전략을 세우는데 원자력 역할을 짐작하게 한다.