- HTR-2008 학회알림.
한국원자력학회 |
2008-03-25 16:52:06
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매 2년마다 개최되는 고온가스로 심포지엄입니다.
명칭 : 4 th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology
기간 : 미국 워싱톤 DC
일시 : 2008.9.28-10.1
초록마감 : 2008.4.14
홈페이지 : http://www.asmeconferences.org/htr08/
Topics :
- Industrial and research HTR projects - Fuel and fuel cycles
- Nuclear engineering analysis
- Engineering, design and applications
- Materials and components
- Safety and licensing
- Economics
- Experimental programs and benchmarking
- Industrial process heat applications
- Application to production of hydrogen
- Application to synfuels production
- Waste management
명칭 : 4 th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology
기간 : 미국 워싱톤 DC
일시 : 2008.9.28-10.1
초록마감 : 2008.4.14
홈페이지 : http://www.asmeconferences.org/htr08/
Topics :
- Industrial and research HTR projects - Fuel and fuel cycles
- Nuclear engineering analysis
- Engineering, design and applications
- Materials and components
- Safety and licensing
- Economics
- Experimental programs and benchmarking
- Industrial process heat applications
- Application to production of hydrogen
- Application to synfuels production
- Waste management
- 이전
- 원자로시스템기술 연구부회 소개
- 2012-07-24