원자로물리 및 계산과학
- 2006, 2007 우수논문 선정 이력
한국원자력학회 |
2008-04-10 11:13:20
| 3,424 Hit
2006년 춘계 - 김용희, 김강석, 노재만
"Preservation of Fuel Characteristics in the RPT Method"
2006 추계 -이현철, 김강석, 노재만
"A Two-Step Diffusion Solution to the Doubly Heterogeneous PBMR-400 Problem"
2007 춘계 - 이경훈, 김강석, 송재승, 노재만, 지성균
"Physics Analysis of a Prismatic VHTR with Asymmetric Control Rods by Using the HELIOS/MASTER Code Package"
2007 추계 - 조창근, 김용희, 노재만
"Analysis of Burnable Poison Characteristics for Reactivity Swing Minimization in Block-type VHTR"
"Preservation of Fuel Characteristics in the RPT Method"
2006 추계 -이현철, 김강석, 노재만
"A Two-Step Diffusion Solution to the Doubly Heterogeneous PBMR-400 Problem"
2007 춘계 - 이경훈, 김강석, 송재승, 노재만, 지성균
"Physics Analysis of a Prismatic VHTR with Asymmetric Control Rods by Using the HELIOS/MASTER Code Package"
2007 추계 - 조창근, 김용희, 노재만
"Analysis of Burnable Poison Characteristics for Reactivity Swing Minimization in Block-type VHTR"
- 이전
- PHYSOR2002-NURER2018 장학금 운영 규정
- 2008-04-18
- 다음
- 우수논문 선정절차 및 평가서식
- 2008-04-10