원자로물리 및 계산과학
- 일본 TIT 교수초빙 공고
한국원자력학회 |
2010-06-07 10:37:32
| 3,523 Hit
Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology is looking for a new professor as follows:
1. Position: Professor
2. Division: Mass Transmutation Engineering Division
3. Terms: Ten years (Five-year extension is possible by the committee judgment, but twice at most)
4. Retiring age: Sixty five
5. Research fields and duties:
(1) Promotion of the research and education in the field of the innovative nuclear science and engineering such as
- the design of nuclear energy systems with improved safety
- the design of long-life reactor cores
- technologies reducing nuclear wastes, breeding nuclear fuel, producing and utilizing proliferation resistant nuclear fuel, or others
(2) Education of graduate students in above research fields
6. Qualification: Ph. D. or doctoral degree is required.
7. Starting date: as soon as possible after the decision of appointment
1. Position: Professor
2. Division: Mass Transmutation Engineering Division
3. Terms: Ten years (Five-year extension is possible by the committee judgment, but twice at most)
4. Retiring age: Sixty five
5. Research fields and duties:
(1) Promotion of the research and education in the field of the innovative nuclear science and engineering such as
- the design of nuclear energy systems with improved safety
- the design of long-life reactor cores
- technologies reducing nuclear wastes, breeding nuclear fuel, producing and utilizing proliferation resistant nuclear fuel, or others
(2) Education of graduate students in above research fields
6. Qualification: Ph. D. or doctoral degree is required.
7. Starting date: as soon as possible after the decision of appointment
- 이전
- KNS-AESJ 기술협력협정
- 2011-03-07
- 다음
- M&C 2009 알림.
- 2008-06-20