
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2023-Spring 2F : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 5.18(Thu) 13:00 Lobby (3F) A Study on Effect of Assembly Power History to Gamma Dose Rate in Spent Fuel Pool at a Short Cooling Time Yunki Jo and Deokjung Lee(UNIST) PDF보기 PPT보기
2023-Spring 2F : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 5.18(Thu) 13:00 Lobby (3F) Effect of U-235 Enrichment on Depletion Characteristics of Gadolinia Burnable Absorber YuGwon Jo and Jae-Yong Lim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2023-Spring 2F : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 5.18(Thu) 13:00 Lobby (3F) A Sensitivity Study on Nuclear Criticality According to NJOY Processing Options for Thermal Neutron Scattering Data of H-in-ZrH Do Heon Kim, Choong-Sup Gil, and Hyeong Il Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2023-Spring 2F : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 5.18(Thu) 13:00 Lobby (3F) Generation of Thermal Neutron Scattering Library for Light Water Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation Code, GROMACS Haelee Hyun and Do Heon Kim(KAERI), Ser Gi HONG(HYU) PDF보기 -
2023-Spring 2F : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 5.18(Thu) 13:00 Lobby (3F) Development of the Program to Produce Independent Fission Yield Data using the GEF Code Calculations And Nuclear Data Libraries Jounghwa Lee, Do Heon Kim, and Choong-Sup Gil(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2023-Spring 3A : 원자력시설해체 및 방사성폐기물관리 (Nuclear Facility Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management) 5.18(Thu) 09:00 400 (4F) The Current Status of Electrolytic Reduction Process in Pyroprocessing Development Eun-Young Choi, Sang-Kwon Lee, Jong-Kwang Lee, and Jae Soo Ryu(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2023-Spring 3A : 원자력시설해체 및 방사성폐기물관리 (Nuclear Facility Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management) 5.18(Thu) 09:20 400 (4F) Low Temperature Sintering for the Immobilization of Bi0–rGO Iodine Wastes Chee Tien Shee Ng Yuen Hing and Ho Jin Ryu(KAIST) PDF보기 PPT보기
2023-Spring 3A : 원자력시설해체 및 방사성폐기물관리 (Nuclear Facility Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management) 5.18(Thu) 09:40 400 (4F) Analyzing Crystal Structure of Consolidated Zeolite 13X Sujeong Lee and Ho Jin Ryu(KAIST) PDF보기 -
2023-Spring 3A : 원자력시설해체 및 방사성폐기물관리 (Nuclear Facility Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management) 5.18(Thu) 10:00 400 (4F) Analysis of Arrangement of Domestic High Burn-up PWR Spent Nuclear Fuel in Deep Geological Disposal Gisu Lee, Namhyeong Kim, Myeonggi Cha, and HangJin Jo(POSTECH) PDF보기 -
2023-Spring 3A : 원자력시설해체 및 방사성폐기물관리 (Nuclear Facility Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management) 5.18(Thu) 10:20 400 (4F) Strontium-90 Immobilization Via Coprecipitation with Respect to Calcite in Various Disposal Site Conditions Nara Jeong, Jaeeun Kang, Donghun Pak, and Wooyong Um(POSTECH) PDF보기 -
2023-Spring 3A : 원자력시설해체 및 방사성폐기물관리 (Nuclear Facility Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management) 5.18(Thu) 11:00 400 (4F) The Effect of Isosaccharinic Acid on the Mobility of Nickel in the Near- and Far-Field Repository Conditions Soojeong Ji, Donghun Pak, and Wooyong Um(POSTECH) PDF보기 -
2023-Spring 3A : 원자력시설해체 및 방사성폐기물관리 (Nuclear Facility Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management) 5.18(Thu) 11:20 400 (4F) Copper Effects on the Retention of Mobile Iodine in a Compacted Bentonite Seung Yeop Lee, Seok Yoon, and Jang-Soon Kwon(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2023-Spring 3A : 원자력시설해체 및 방사성폐기물관리 (Nuclear Facility Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management) 5.18(Thu) 11:40 400 (4F) Sorption of Isosaccharinic Acid (ISA) by Hydrated Cement Paste and C-S-H Phases Yongheum Jo(HYU), Nese Cevirim-Papaioannou, Iuliia Androniuk, Marcus Altmaier, and Xavier Gaona(KIT), Benny DeBlochouse(ONDRAF/NIRAS) PDF보기 -
2023-Spring 3B : 원자력시설해체 및 방사성폐기물관리 (Nuclear Facility Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management) 5.18(Thu) 13:30 202A (2F) Ethanol Effect in Soil Decontamination Process Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Seungil Ha, Kwangheon Park, and Jinhyun Sung(KHU) PDF보기 -
2023-Spring 3B : 원자력시설해체 및 방사성폐기물관리 (Nuclear Facility Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management) 5.18(Thu) 13:50 202A (2F) Performance of Modular Design-based Mobile Air-cleaning Unit for Removing Radioactive Aerosol from Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plant Min-Ho Lee, HyunChul Lee, WooYoung Jung, and DooYong Lee(FNC Tech.),HyunJin Boo, SuHyeon Lee, and ByungGi Park(SCHU), DeokHee Lee(SOLTI), KapHyun Yoo(Century), DaeWon Cho(KIMM) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn