학술발표회 논문집
Year | Div | Date/Time | ROOM | Title | Author | Abstract File | Presentation File |
2012- Autumn | 4F : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | AE Characteristics of Stress Corrosion Crack in Type 304 Stainless Steel Pipe | Hyunmin Lim, Youngkwan Woo, Jaesung Kim, and Boyoung Lee(KAU) Sungsik Kang(KINS) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 4F : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | The Release Rate of Wigner (stored) Energy for Irradiated Graphite Reflector | J. Taewon and Dong-Seong SOHN(UNIST) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 4F : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Comparison of Rate Theory Based Modeling Calculations with the Surveillance Test Results of Korean Light Water Reactors | Gyeong-Geun Lee, Yong-Bok Lee, Min-Chul Kim, and Junhyun Kwon(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 4F : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Effect of Water Chemistry on Flow Accelerated Corrosion of Carbon Steel | T. J. Park, E. H. Lee, K. M. Kim, and H. P. Kim(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 4F : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Effect of Ta Content on the Mechanical Properties of 9Cr-WVC Steels | Y. R. Kim, Y. B. Chun, D. W. Lee, S. Cho, T. K. Kim, and Y. H. Jeong(KAER | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 4G : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Shielded EPMA from CAMECA to JEOL Preliminary Performance Comparison | Y. H. Jung, B. O. Yoo, G. S. Kim, S. B. Ahn, and Y. S. Joo(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 4G : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Design and Fabrication of Irradiation Testing Capsule for Research Reactor Materials | Seong Woo Yang, Bong Goo Kim, Seung Jae Park, Man Soon Cho, Kee Nam Choo, Jong Myeong Oh, Myeong Hwa | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 4G : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Measurement of Cell Size of Fuel Assembly Grids in IMEF | Woo-Seog Ryu, Gil-Soo Kim, Yong-Sun Choo, Yong-Bum Chun, and Sang-Bok Ahn(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 4G : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Optimization of a Drilling Machine for the Instrumentation in a Fuel Rod | Jintae Hong, Sung-Ho Ahn, Chang-Young Joung, Hwang-Young Jeong, and Ka-Hye Kim(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 4G : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Sensitivity Analysis for the Dominant Cost Drivers of Pyro-SFR Nuclear Fuel Cycle | S. K. Kim and W. I. Ko(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 4G : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | The Moisture-proof Connection of Signal Cables on Test Rig Instrumentation | Chang-Young Joung, Sung-Ho Ahn, Jin-Tae Hong, and Hwang-Young Jeong(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 4G : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Irradiation Test of High-density Si Material | Man Soon Cho, Kee Nam Choo, Chul Yong Lee, Seong Woo Yang, Kyue Taek Shim, and Sang Jun Park(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 4G : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Preparation of Irradiation Device for Irradiation Testing of Coated Particle Fuel at HANARO | Bong Goo Kim, Sung Jae Park, Seong Woo Yang, Dae Ho Kim, and Moon Sung Cho(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 4G : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Study on the Pride Salt Transport System for Molten Salt | S. H. Lee, H. S. Lee, and J. G. Kim(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 4G : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Technical Measurement of Small Fission Gas Inventory in Fuel Rod with Laser Puncturing System | Heemoon Kim, Sung Ryul Kim, Byoung-Oon Lee, Yong-Sik Yang, Sang Ryul Baek, and Ung-Sup Song(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn