
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2011-Autumn 제1분과 : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) Temperature Dependence of Elastic Modulus of Nuclear Graphite Eung-Seon Kim and Sung-Deok Hong(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2011-Autumn 제1분과 : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) Regulatory Framework of Safety for HTGR Changwook HUH and Namduk SUH(KINS) PDF보기 -
2011-Autumn 제1분과 : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) Evaluation on the High-temperature Structural Integrity of the Small-scale PHE Prototype Keenam Song, S-D Hong, and Y-W Kim(KAERI) H-Y Park(AD-Solution Co., Ltd.) PDF보기 -
2011-Autumn 제1분과 : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) Considerations for Closed-loop Heavy Water System Design in the Research Reactor Jungwoon Choi, Hyun-Gi Yoon, Jaekwang Seo, Young-Chul Park, and Dae Young Chi(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2011-Autumn 제1분과 : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) Preliminary 10-year Periodic In-service Inspection Program in a Research Reactor Young-Chul Park, Hyun-Gi Yoon, Kyoung-Woo Seo, Dae-Young Chi, and Ju-Hyeon Yoon(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2011-Autumn 제1분과 : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) Evaluation of the Structural Integrity of the Thermal Column Extension Jin Haeng Lee, Gyeong Ho Kim, Yeong-Garp Cho, and Jong In Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2011-Autumn 제1분과 : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) The Design, Fabrication, and Characteristic Experiment of the Electromagnet of Bottommounted Control Rod Drive Mechanism for Research Reactor Hyung Huh, Yeong Garp Cho, Myoung Hwan Choi, JI Ho Kim, and Jong In Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2011-Autumn 제1분과 : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) Basic Design of the Top-mounted CRDM for a Reactor with Plate Type Fuels Myoung-Hwan Choi, Yeong-Garp Cho, Sang-Haun Kim, Hyung Huh, and Jong-In Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2011-Autumn 제1분과 : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) Conceptual Design for a Core Residual Heat Removal System of a Research Reactor Kyoungwoo Seo, Kwon-Yeong Lee, Dae-Young Chi, Juhyeon Yoon(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2011-Autumn 제1분과 : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) Prediction for the Flow Distribution and the Pressure Drop of a Plate Type Fuel Assembly Jonghark Park, Deasung Jo, Heetaek Chae, and Byungchul Lee(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2011-Autumn 제1분과 : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) Effect of Primary Cooling Water on the Hot Water Layer of a Reactor Pool Jonghark Park, Heetaek Chae, Deasung Jo, and Byungchul Lee(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2011-Autumn 제1분과 : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) Analysis of a Passive Emergency Core Cooling System for Research Reactors Suki Park, Heonil Kim, Cheol Park, and Juhyeon Yoon(KAREI) PDF보기 -
2011-Autumn 제1분과 : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) Analytical Simulation of the Pipe Rupture Accident of the Heavy Water System in the Reactor Pool Hyun-Gi Yoon, Jungwoon Choi, Young-Chul Park, and Dae-Young Chi(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2011-Autumn 제1분과 : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) Integration of the CAR Interface Module for the RRS of Research Reactor Sang Hoon Bae, Dane Baang, Gee Yong Park, Young San Choi, and Young Ki Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2011-Autumn 제1분과 : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) Numerical Analysis of the RCP Performance with the Surface Roughness of the Impeller and Diffuser in the Full-scale and Down-scale Models Soon-Chan Hwang(KIMM) Hyun-Gi Yoon(KAERI) Jong-Ho Park(CNU) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn