
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2005-Autumn 제10분과 : 원자력 계측제어 및 자동원격 Development of Guide System for a Reactor Head Maintenance Robot Hocheol Shin, Yong-Chil Seo, Kyung-Min Jung, Sung-Uk Lee, and Seungho Kim (KAERI) Kwang-Su Park (DHI PDF보기 -
2005-Autumn 제10분과 : 원자력 계측제어 및 자동원격 Application of the Integrated Signal Converting Circuit in the Nuclear Fields Young-Choon Kim, Chang-Ho Sohn, Jung-Seon Kim, and Min-Kyu Kim (SEC) PDF보기 -
2005-Autumn 제10분과 : 원자력 계측제어 및 자동원격 Numerical Research on New Variable Reluctance Sensor with Fixed Permanent Magnet for SMART Main Coolant Pump Hyung Huh, Jin Suk Park, Suhn Choi, Keun Bae Park, and Sung Qunn Zee (KAERI) PDF보기 -
2005-Autumn 제10분과 : 원자력 계측제어 및 자동원격 A Study on Fault-tolerant Software Architecture for COTS-based Dependable System Y. M, Kim and C. H. Jeong (KINS) PDF보기 -
2005-Autumn 제10분과 : 원자력 계측제어 및 자동원격 Development Process of the Software Requirement Specification for the Design of COMPAS Sanghoon Lee, Daeyou Park, and Choongsub Yeom (IAE) Hyungbum Suh and Sung min Kim (KHNP) Jinil Kim a PDF보기 -
2005-Autumn 제10분과 : 원자력 계측제어 및 자동원격 Fault Tree Analysis of the ESFAS Actuation Signals for KSNP Seung-Cheol Jang, Kyung-Ran Min, and Seok-Joong Han (KAERI) PDF보기 -
2005-Autumn 제10분과 : 원자력 계측제어 및 자동원격 Bus Accessing Performance Evaluation for Plant Control System Yangmook Chung (KHNP) PDF보기 -
2005-Autumn 제10분과 : 원자력 계측제어 및 자동원격 A Method to Improve the Software Acceptance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants Young Suk Suh and Heui Youn Park (KAERI) Ki Sung Son and Ki Hyun Lee (SEC) Hyeon Soo Kim (CNU) PDF보기 -
2005-Autumn 제10분과 : 원자력 계측제어 및 자동원격 Digital Processor Module Reliability Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant Sang Yong Lee, Jae Hyun Jung, Jae Ho Kim, and Sung Hun Kim (SEC) PDF보기 -
2005-Autumn 제10분과 : 원자력 계측제어 및 자동원격 Development of PVDF Ultrasonic Array Transducer for Thickness Measurement of the PHWR Feeders H. K. Jung, C. H. Choi, S. H. Jung, and Y. M. Cheong (KAERI) PDF보기 -
2005-Autumn 제10분과 : 원자력 계측제어 및 자동원격 An Efficient Method to Search Real-time Bulk Data for an Information Processing System Seong Jin Kim and Jong myung Kim (SEC) Yong Suk Suh, Jong yong Keum, and Heui Youn Park (KAERI) PDF보기 -
2005-Autumn 제10분과 : 원자력 계측제어 및 자동원격 A Study on Performance Requirements for Advanced Alarm System Duk-Hyun Seong, Jae-Hoon Jeong, Young-Rok Sim, Jong-Hyun Ko, and Jung-Seon Kim, (SEC) Gwi-Sook Jang PDF보기 -
2005-Autumn 제10분과 : 원자력 계측제어 및 자동원격 Human Factors Support in the Design and Evaluation of the Reactor Protection System Cabinet Operator Module Hyun-Chul Lee and Jung-Woon Lee (KAERI) PDF보기 -
2005-Autumn 제10분과 : 원자력 계측제어 및 자동원격 A Study on the Quantitative Assessment Method of Software Requirement Documents Using Software Engineering Measures and Bayesian Belief Networks Heung-Seop Eom, Hyun-Gook Kang, Ki Hong Park, Kee Choon Kwon, and Seung-Cheol Chang (KAERI) PDF보기 -
2005-Autumn 제10분과 : 원자력 계측제어 및 자동원격 A Shared Compliance Control for Application in High Radiation Fields Sung Ho Ahn, Hoan Sung Jung, Kye Hong Lee, Young Ki Kim, and Hark Rho Kim (KAERI) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn