
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2019-Spring 4C : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 5.24(Fri) 09:40 201A (2F) Development of Multidimensional Entire Fuel Rod Analysis Module (MERCURY) for Simulation of Fuel Behavior during LOCA Hyochan Kim and Sunguk Lee(KAERI), Jinsu Kim and Junghwan Yoon(KAIST) PDF보기 -
2019-Spring 4C : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 5.24(Fri) 10:00 201A (2F) Characterization of Pellet-Clad Mechanical Interaction in a Failed Spent Fuel Rod Yang Hong Jung, Seung Je Baik, Yeong Gkan Jin, and Sang Bok Ahn(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2019-Spring 4C : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 5.24(Fri) 10:20 201A (2F) Development Status of Improved UO2 Fuel in the KEPCO NF Kwang-Young Lim, Tae-Sik Jung, Yeon-Su Na, Min-Jae Ju, Jung-Beom Kim, and Seung-Jae Lee (KEPCO NF) PDF보기 -
2019-Spring 4C : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 5.24(Fri) 11:00 201A (2F) Additive Manufacture of Nuclear Fuel Supports and Valve Items Suk Hoon Kang and Chang-Kyu Rhee(KAERI), Won Hee Lee(Samshin), Nam-Gyu Park(KEPCO NF), Hee-Sung Ann(BEES) PDF보기 -
2019-Spring 4C : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 5.24(Fri) 11:20 201A (2F) Loss Control of Casting Methods for Metallic Fuel Fabrication Seoungwoo Kuk, Kyungchai Jeong, Seokjin Oh, Kihwan Kim, Jeong-Yong Park, and Seung-Uk Mun(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2019-Spring 4D : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 5.24(Fri) 09:00 201B (2F) Microstructure Evolution and Performance of Neutron Absorber in Spent Nuclear Fuel Pool Yunsong Jung, Woong Ha, and Sangjoon Ahn(UNIST), Kiyoung Kim(KHNP CRI) PDF보기 -
2019-Spring 4D : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 5.24(Fri) 09:20 201B (2F) A Phase Field Study of Microstructure Evolution of Polycrystalline Tungsten under Irradiation Yousung Han(INU), Hao Wang, Sudipta Biswas, and Vikas Tomar(PU) - -
2019-Spring 4D : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 5.24(Fri) 09:40 201B (2F) Development of Potential Model of Tungsten for Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulation Woonghee Cho and Takuji Oda(SNU) PDF보기 -
2019-Spring 4D : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 5.24(Fri) 10:00 201B (2F) A Molecular Dynamics Study on the Early Stage Oxidation of Nickel Surface Kwang Beom Ko and Ji Hyun Kim(UNIST) PDF보기 -
2019-Spring 4D : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 5.24(Fri) 10:40 201B (2F) Probabilistic Estimation of Fatigue Lifetime with Time-Series Data and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation Jae Phil Park and Chi Bum Bahn(PNU), Subhasish Mohanty(ANL) PDF보기 -
2019-Spring 4D : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 5.24(Fri) 11:00 201B (2F) Development of Potential Model for Radiation Damage Simulation in α-Fe Sehyeok Park and Takuji Oda(SNU) PDF보기 -
2019-Spring 4D : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 5.24(Fri) 11:20 201B (2F) Additive Manufacturing for Wear Resistant Component in Nuclear Reactor Jinsung Jang, Min Ha Shin, Chang Hee Han, and Junhyun Kwon(KAERI), Do-Hyang Kim(Yonsei Univ.) PDF보기 -
2019-Spring 4D : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 5.24(Fri) 11:40 201B (2F) Effect of Thermal Aging on the Corrosion Behaviors of ER316L Stainless Steel Welds in Simulated PWR Environments Junjie Chen, Changheui Jang, Qian Xiao, Byeong Seo Kong, Gokul Obulan Subramanian, and Ji Ho Shin(KAIST) PDF보기 PPT보기
2019-Spring 4D : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 5.24(Fri) 12:00 201B (2F) A Study on Microstructure of Functionally Graded Composite Steels for Lead-bismuth cooled Fast Reactor Cladding Application Jeonghyeon Lee, Taeyong Kim , and Ji Hyun Kim(UNIST) PDF보기 -
2019-Spring 4E : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 5.23(Thu) 13:00 로비 (3F) Feasibility Study for Manufacturing High-density LEU U3Si2 Plate-type Fuel Yong Jin Jeong, Sunghwan Kim, Hwa Young Song, Dong Hyon Kang, Cheol Hong Park, and Jong Man Park(KAERI) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn