
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2015-Spring 9B : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.8(Fri) 10:00 303A A Study on the Export Control System at KAERI I.C. Kim, S.H. Lee, B.D. Lee, H.J. Kim, H.S. Kim, and J.A. Jung(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 9B : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.8(Fri) 10:20 303A Development Proliferation Resistance Assessment Methodology for Regulation Purposes Taekyu Ham, Janghoon Seo, Nayoung Lee, and Hosik Yoo(KINAC) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 9B : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.8(Fri) 11:00 303A Research on Effectiveness Assessment Programs for Physical Protection System Janghoon Seo, Hosik Yoo, and Taekyu Ham(KINAC ) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 9B : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.8(Fri) 11:20 303A Safeguards Culture on 3S Interfaces Yon Hong Jeong, Na Young Lee, and Jae-Jun Han(KINAC) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 9B : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.8(Fri) 11:40 303A Examination of State-Level Nuclear Security Method Chan Kim, Man-Sung Yim, and So Young Kim(KAIST) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 9B : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.8(Fri) 12:00 303A Examination of Relationship between Nuclear Transparency and Nonproliferation Jee-Min Ha, Man-Sung Yim, Hyeon Seok Park, and So Young Kim(KAIST) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 9B : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.8(Fri) 12:20 303A Uncertainties in Nuclear Proliferation Modeling Chul Min Kim, Man-Sung Yim, and Hyeon Seok Park(KAIST) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 9C : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력-Poster (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Development of Nuclear Energy and Radiation Textbooks for Middle School Students JaeRok Kim, SeungKoo Lee, YoonSeok Choi, YoungKyu Hahm, JiEun Lee, and EunOk Han(KANS) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 9C : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력-Poster (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Analysis by Integrated AHP and TOPSIS Method Using an Equilibrium Model S. R. Yoon(UST) S. Y. Choi(UNIST) W. I. Ko(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 9C : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력-Poster (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Survey Analysis on Nuclear Security Culture Recognition of Nuclear Facility in 2014 Yunjeong Hong, Jeongho Lee, and Jaekwang Kim(KINAC) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 9C : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력-Poster (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Establishment of Management System for Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Soon-Kyoo Han, Jong-Tae Ha, Ku-Young Chung, Je-Hang Lee, and Kyung-Im Kim(KINS) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 9C : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력-Poster (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Licensing Trends for Construction of New Nuclear Plants Bae-Hyeuk Kwon, Kyu-Suk Ahn, Young-Gyun Kim, Tae-Wan Kim, and Jong-Hyuk Baek(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 9C : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력-Poster (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Modeling for Climate Change in the Aspect of Nuclear Energy Priority : Nuclear Power Energy based Convergence Social-Humanity Analysis Tae Ho Woo(Systemix Global Co., Ltd.) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 9C : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력-Poster (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Preliminary Analysis on the Management Options of IRT-DPRK Research Reactor Jung-Hyun LEE, Minsoo Kim, and Yongsoo Hwang(KINAC) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 9C : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력-Poster (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Examining Prospects of Public Acceptance of Nuclear Power in the Republic of Korea Ji-eun Joo and Man-Sung Yim(KAIST) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn