
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2013- Autumn 6C : 방사선 이용 및 방호-Poster (Radiation Utilization and Protection) 10.24(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 다이아몬드 Simulation on the Optimum Thickness of Ni-63 for Nuclear Battery Development S.K. Kang, M.W.Lee, Y.R.Kang, H.J.Lim, D. J. Rhee, and D.H.Jeong(DIRAMS) K.J. Son(KAERI) B.G.Choi (E PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 6C : 방사선 이용 및 방호-Poster (Radiation Utilization and Protection) 10.24(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 다이아몬드 Development of Target System for Production of I-123 in Cyclotron 30 JaeJun You, HyunWoo Jung, Byung Il Kim, KwonSoo Chun, JiSeub Lee, Hyun Park, JunYong Choi, SangKwon PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 6C : 방사선 이용 및 방호-Poster (Radiation Utilization and Protection) 10.24(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 다이아몬드 I-123 Nuclide Production System Constructed by Cyclotron 30 HyunWoo Jung, JaeJun You, Byung Il Kim, KwonSoo Chun, JiSeub Lee, Hyun Park, JunYong Choi, SangKwon PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 6C : 방사선 이용 및 방호-Poster (Radiation Utilization and Protection) 10.24(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 다이아몬드 Feasibility Study on Simultaneous Multi-Radioisotope Production Using Double Stacked Target in MC-50 Cyclotron Gyehong Kim, Kwonsoo Chun, and Byungil Kim(KIRAMS) PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 6C : 방사선 이용 및 방호-Poster (Radiation Utilization and Protection) 10.24(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 다이아몬드 Production of Alpha Particle Emitting 211At Using MC-50 Cyclotron Gyehong Kim, Kwonsoo Chun, and Byungil Kim(KIRAMS) PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 6C : 방사선 이용 및 방호-Poster (Radiation Utilization and Protection) 10.24(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 다이아몬드 Property of Prepared N719 Dye Using Gamma-irradiation and Its Dye-sensitized Solar Cell Application Hwa-Jung Kim, Hae-Jun Park, and Ju-Woon Lee(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 6C : 방사선 이용 및 방호-Poster (Radiation Utilization and Protection) 10.24(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 다이아몬드 Preliminary Study of Position-Sensitive Large-Area Radiation Portal Monitor Chang Hwy Lim, Hyunok Kim, and Myung-Kook Moon(KAERI) Jongyul Kim(KAIST) Jong-Won Park and Yong-Kon PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 6C : 방사선 이용 및 방호-Poster (Radiation Utilization and Protection) 10.24(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 다이아몬드 Neutron Signal and Noise Separation of the 6Li - ZnS(Ag)Scintillator(BC702) Using Flash ADC S. G. Shin, Y. U. Kye, and M. H. Cho(POSTECH) W.Namkung(PAL) G.N. Kim(KNU) M. W. Lee(DIRAMS) PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 6C : 방사선 이용 및 방호-Poster (Radiation Utilization and Protection) 10.24(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 다이아몬드 Irradiation Chamber Design for the Study of Proton Beam Induced Radiation Damage Kye-Ryung Kim, Bum-Seok Kim, Maeng-Jun Kim, and Myung-Hwan Jung(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 7A : 양자공학 및 핵융합기술(Quantum Engineering and Nuclear Fusion) 10.24(Thu) 09:00 루비 RF Field Distribution Tuning of Drift Tube Linac Han-Sung Kim, Hyeok-Jung Kwon, Ji-Ho Jang, and Yong-Sub Cho(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 7A : 양자공학 및 핵융합기술(Quantum Engineering and Nuclear Fusion) 10.24(Thu) 09:20 루비 An Anti-alias Frequency Finite Impulse Response Low-pass Filter Algorithm Based on FPGA for a KOMAC 13-MHz RF Cavity's Digital Control System Ying-Min Li, Ji-ho Jang, Young-Gi Song, Hyeokjun-Kwon, and Yong-Sub Cho(KAERI) PDF보기 PPT보기
2013- Autumn 7A : 양자공학 및 핵융합기술(Quantum Engineering and Nuclear Fusion) 10.24(Thu) 09:40 루비 The Construction of Beam Diagnostics System for the 100-MeV Proton Accelerator Sang-Pil Yun, Hyeok-Jung Kwon, Kyung-Tae Seol, Han-Sung Kim, Young-Gi Song, Ji-Ho Jang, and Yong-Sub PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 7A : 양자공학 및 핵융합기술(Quantum Engineering and Nuclear Fusion) 10.24(Thu) 10:00 루비 RF Operation for the 100MeV Proton Linac Kyung-Tae Seol, Hyeok-Jung Kwon, Dae-il Kim, Han-Sung Kim, Young-Gi Song, Ji-Ho Jang, and Yong-Sub C PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 7A : 양자공학 및 핵융합기술(Quantum Engineering and Nuclear Fusion) 10.24(Thu) 10:20 루비 Accelerator-Driven System with Current Technology Hee Seock Lee and Tae-Yeon Lee(POSTECH) PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 7A : 양자공학 및 핵융합기술(Quantum Engineering and Nuclear Fusion) 10.24(Thu) 11:00 루비 Design and RF Test of Broadband Coaxial Hybrid Splitter for ITER ICRF System H. J. Kim, S. J. Wang, B. H. Park, H. L. Yang, and J. G. Kwak(NFRI) J. J. Choi(KWU) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn