학술발표회 논문집
Year | Div | Date/Time | ROOM | Title | Author | Abstract File | Presentation File |
2013- Autumn | 10B : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격-Poster (Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) | 10.24(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Software V&V of PPS for Shin-Hanul Nuclear Power Plant Units 1&2 | Cheollak Park, Dongpa Kang, Changhui Choe, Sedo Sohn, and Seungmin Baek(KEPCO E&C) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Autumn | 10C : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) | 10.25(Fri) 09:00 | 토파즈 | In-Service Inspection of Wall-thinned Defects Using a Lock-in Technique of IR Thermography | Kwae Hwan Yoo, Ju Hyun Kim, Man Gyun Na, and Jin Weon Kim(CSU) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Autumn | 10C : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) | 10.25(Fri) 09:20 | 토파즈 | A Study on Determination of Optimal Flow Paths for Safety Injection Using the Dijkstra Algorithm | Soon Ho Park, Jae Hwan Kim, Dae Seop Kim, and Man Gyun Na(CSU) | PDF보기 | PPT보기 |
2013- Autumn | 10C : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) | 10.25(Fri) 09:40 | 토파즈 | Mobile Computerized Procedure System for the Improved Situation Awareness among Field Workers and Main Control Room Operators | Sungjin Lee, Nokyu Seong, and Yeonsub Jung(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Autumn | 10C : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) | 10.25(Fri) 10:00 | 토파즈 | Functional Requirement Analysis and Function Allocation for APR 1400 | Nuraslinda Anuar, Florah Kamanja, Noloyiso Mtoko, Nurhayati Ramli, Eric Ohaga, Bui Hoang Ha, Kim Don | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Autumn | 10C : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) | 10.25(Fri) 10:20 | 토파즈 | A Comparison of Nuclear Power Plant Simulator with RELAP5/MOD3 Code about Steam Generator Tube Rupture | Sung Hyun Kim, Chan Ki Moon, and Sung Baek Park(KINS) Man Gyun Na(CSU) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Autumn | 10C : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) | 10.25(Fri) 11:00 | 토파즈 | Identification of Success Criteria for Automated Function Using Feed and Bleed Operation | Bo Gyung Kim, Sang Ho Kim, and Hyun Gook Kang(KAIST) Ho Joon Yoon(Khalifa Univ.) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Autumn | 10C : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) | 10.25(Fri) 11:20 | 토파즈 | Preliminary Conceptual Study for Safety Parameter Display System of PGSFR | Seung-Hwan SEONG, Hyun-Ju Jo, Dong-Hoon Kim, Kwang-Seop Son, and Gwi-Sook Jang(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Autumn | SA : 학생/청년 Competition Session | 10.25(Fri) 09:00 | 팰리스 | Study on the Safety Classification Criteria of Mechanical Systems and Components for Open Pool-Type Research Reactors | Belal AL-MOMANI(KAIST) Jong Chull JO(KINS) | PDF보기 | PPT보기 |
2013- Autumn | SA : 학생/청년 Competition Session | 10.25(Fri) 09:20 | 팰리스 | Study on the Safety Classification Criteria of Mechanical Systems and Components for Open Pool-Type Research Reactors | Yong-Kyo Lee and Myung-Hyun Kim(KHU) | PDF보기 | PPT보기 |
2013- Autumn | SA : 학생/청년 Competition Session | 10.25(Fri) 09:40 | 팰리스 | Heat and Radiation Effects on Iodide Sorption by Surfactant Modified Bentonite (SMB) | Minkyung Kim, Sungwook Choung, and Wooyong Um(POSTECH) | PDF보기 | PPT보기 |
2013- Autumn | SA : 학생/청년 Competition Session | 10.25(Fri) 10:00 | 팰리스 | Nuclear-Thermal Analysis of Fully Ceramic Microencapsulated Fuel via Two-Temperature Homogenized Model | Yoonhee Lee and Nam Zin Cho(KAIST) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Autumn | SA : 학생/청년 Competition Session | 10.25(Fri) 10:20 | 팰리스 | Passive Micro Power Generation for Nuclear Safety with Thermoelectric Heat Pipe | Lei Sheng Chen and Jae Young Lee(HGU) In Cheol Bang(UNIST) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Autumn | SA : 학생/청년 Competition Session | 10.25(Fri) 11:00 | 팰리스 | Experiment on Pool and Flow Boiling CHF for the SiC Surfaces under Atmospheric Condition | Dong Hoon Kam and Yong Hoon Jeong(KAIST) Jong Hyuk Lee(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Autumn | SA : 학생/청년 Competition Session | 10.25(Fri) 11:20 | 팰리스 | Development of a Prototypical Condensation Model for the Nearly Horizontal Heat Exchanger Tube of the APR+ PAFS(Passive Auxiliary Feed-water System) | Tae-Hwan Ahn, Byong-Jo Yun, and Jae-Jun Jeong(PNU) | PDF보기 | - |
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn