학술발표회 논문집
Year | Div | Date/Time | ROOM | Title | Author | Abstract File | Presentation File |
2012- Autumn | 8A : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 10.25(Thu) 12:40 | 마호가니 | Preliminary Study of Impact Fragility to RC Wall Subjected to Aircraft Impact | Shin Sangshup, Daegi Hahm, and In-Kil Choi(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 8A : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 10.25(Thu) 13:00 | 마호가니 | Response of Base Isolation System Excited by Spectrum Compatible Ground Motions | Jung Han Kim, Min Kyu Kim, and In-Kil Choi(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | A Development of Automated Analysis Technique for Bobbin Data to Detect ODSCC on the OPR1000 SG Tubes | In Chul Kim, Min Woo Nam, Wang Bae Kim, Kyung Moon Joo, and Keun Young Cheon(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | A Development of Techniques Detecting Foreign Objects in the Secondary Side of Steam Generator | Kyung Mun Joo, Ki Seok Shin, In Chul Kim, and Wang Bae Kim(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Analysis of the Enforcement Discretion System for Operating NPPs in the USA | Sang-Kyu Ahn, Sang-Won Kim, Gun-Hyun Chang, Young Gill Yune, Hyung-Joon Ahn, and Seung-Ho Cho(KINS) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Predicted Wear on the Tube Outside Surface due to Foreign Object in the Secondary Side of Steam Generator | Hyung Nam Kim and Nam Cheoul Cho(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | FSI Analysis of Mixing Tee for Thermal Fatigue | Myung Jo Jhung and Hanok Ko(KINS) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | A Study on the Implementation of an Integrated Environmental Qualification Management System(EQMS) for Nuclear Power Plant | Keug-Jin Bhang, Sun-Chul Jeong, and Pil-Sun Kang(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Nondestructive Evaluation of the QT on the SG Tubes Affected by Chemical Cleaning | Ki Seok Shin, Keun Young Cheon, and Wang Bae Kim(KHNP CRI) Kyong Mahn Min(UMI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Procedure and Method of Equipment Qualification(EQ) for EPA in NPP | Sun-chul Jeong, Keug-Jin Bhang, and Pil-sun Kang(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | EVMS for Nuclear Power Plant Construction : Status and Implementation | M. S. Roh, J. K. Kwak, and S. Y. Park(KINGS) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | A Study and Implementation of Algorithm for Automatic ECT Result Comparison | You Hyun Jang, Min Woo Nam, In Chul Kim, Kyung Mun Joo, and Jong Seog Kim(KHNP) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | A Atudy on the Efficiency Improvement of the Plant Secondary System in NPP | Chun-Ho Kim and Jong-Sun Song(CSU) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 8C : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | Ultimate Pressure Capacity Assessment of R-FRC PCCV Based on the Tension Stiffening Tests | Daegi Hahm and Young-Sun Choun(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2012- Autumn | 8C : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology)-Poster | 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 | 다이아몬드 | The Effects of Low-pass Filters of Peak Ground Acceleration | Park, Dong Hee and Chang, Chun-Joong(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn