
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2012- Autumn 10A : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 10.25(Thu) 10:00 루비 Preliminay Study on Architecture of Reactor Protection System for Prototype SFR Seung-Hwan SEONG , Dong-Hoon Kim, Kwang-Seop Son, Gwi-Sook Jang, Kwang-Il Jeong, and Jong-Yong Keum( PDF보기 -
2012- Autumn 10A : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 10.25(Thu) 10:20 루비 Development of the Kori-1 Simulator for the MCR Modernization. MyeongSoo Lee and JinHyuk Hong(KHNP CRI) PDF보기 -
2012- Autumn 10A : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 10.25(Thu) 11:00 루비 Development of Diagnostic Process for Abnormal Conditions of Ulchin Units 1&2 Hyunsoo Choi, Jeongkeun Kwak, Junghyun Yun, and Jonghyun Kim(KINGS) PDF보기 -
2012- Autumn 10A : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 10.25(Thu) 11:20 루비 Design Concept of CSRAS(Cyber Risk Analysis and Assessment System) for Digital I&C Systems J. G. Song, J. W. Lee, D. Y. Lee, and C. K. Lee(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012- Autumn 10A : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 10.25(Thu) 11:40 루비 Comparative Assessment of Instrumentation and Control (I&C) System Architectures for Research Reactors Rahman Khalil ur and Gyunyoung Heo(KHU) Hanseong Son(JBU) Youngki Kim and Jaekwan Park(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012- Autumn 10A : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 10.25(Thu) 12:00 루비 Real-Time Neutron Flux Monitoring using Rh Self-Powered Neutron Detector Byung Jin Jun, Byung Chul Lee, Sang Jun Park, and Hoan Sung Jung(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012- Autumn 10A : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 10.25(Thu) 12:20 루비 Preliminary Concepts for Safety Index Monitoring System during Severe Accidents Rizwan Ahmed, Sukyoung Park, and Gyunyoung Heo(KHU) Jung-Taek Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012- Autumn 10B : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote Systems)-Poster 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 다이아몬드 Development of the HANARO Research Reactor Simulator for Operator Training Kee-Choon Kwon, Jang-Yeol Kim, Jae-Chang Park, Seung-Wook Lee, In-Ah Hwang, and Dong-Young Lee(KAERI PDF보기 -
2012- Autumn 10B : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote Systems)-Poster 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 다이아몬드 The Software Testing of PPS for Shin-Ulchin Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 Dongpa Kang, Cheollak Park, Changhui Choe, Sedo Sohn, and Seungmin Baek(KEPCO E&C) PDF보기 -
2012- Autumn 10B : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote Systems)-Poster 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 다이아몬드 Design Considerations for Post Accident Monitoring System of a Research Reactor Gwi-sook Jang, Je-yun Park, and Young-Ki Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012- Autumn 10B : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote Systems)-Poster 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 다이아몬드 Cyber Security Consideration on I&C System Development Process Jaekwan Park, Jeyun Park, and Youngki Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012- Autumn 10B : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote Systems)-Poster 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 다이아몬드 A Strategy to Apply a Graded Approach to a New Research Reactor I&C Design Yong Suk suh, Jae Kwan Park, Taek Kyu Kim, Sang Hoon Bae, Dane Baang, and Young Ki Kim(KAE PDF보기 -
2012- Autumn 10B : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote Systems)-Poster 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 다이아몬드 Schedulability Analysis of the SCOPS on a Platform for Safety I&C Systems of SMART MMIS Jong Yong Keum, Yong Suk Suh, Kwang-Il Jeong, and Je Yun Park(KAERI) Yong Jin Seo and Hyeon Soo Kim( PDF보기 -
2012- Autumn 10B : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote Systems)-Poster 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 다이아몬드 A Study of PLC System Vulnerability Checklists in Nuclear Power Plants Kijong Cha, Giho Cho, and Jaehyoung Ahn(NSE Ltd.) Youngmi Kim and Yongil Kwon(KINS) PDF보기 -
2012- Autumn 10B : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote Systems)-Poster 10.25(Thu) 13:00~15:00 다이아몬드 Design of Deterministic OS for SPLC Choul-Woong Son, Dong-Hoon Kim, and Gwang-Seop Son(KAERI) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn