
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2012-Spring 제 5 분과 : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) Single-tube Condensation Experiment in Passive Auxiliary Feedwater System of APR1400+ Chang Wook Shin, Hee Cheon NO, Bong Yo Yun, and Byong Guk Jeon(KAIST) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 5 분과 : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) Lessons Learned from the 2ndDomestic Standard Problem Based on ATLAS Test Ki-Yong Choi, Yeon-Sik Kim, Seok Cho, Hyun-Sik Park, and Kyoung-Ho Kang(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 5 분과 : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) Major Results of SBLOCA Tests with VISTA-ITL for the SMART Design Hyun-Sik Park, Byoung-Yeon Min, Yong-Chul Shin, Nam-Hyun Choi, Young-Jong Chung, Won-Jae Lee, and Su PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 5 분과 : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) Surfactant Effect on Bubble Motion in Rectangular Micro-channel with T-mixer Chiwoong Choi, Kwi Seok Ha, Hae Yong Jeong, Seok Hoon Kang, Won Pyo Chang, and Kwi Rim Lee(KAERI) Mo PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 5 분과 : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) Visualization of Water Droplet Dynamics on the Heated Nanostructure Surface Seol Ha Kim, Ho Seon Ahn, Joonwon Kim, and Moo Hwan Kim(POSTECH) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 5 분과 : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) Establishment of Stable Shear Flow for Measurement of Lift Force on the Bubble Interface Using L-channel Nam-hee Kim, Sero Yang, and Jae-young Lee(HGU) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 5 분과 : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) Water Level Measurement of the Stratified Flow Using Ring-type Impedance Sensor Sung Yong Lee, Min Seok Ko, Bo An Lee, and Sin Kim(JNU) Byong Jo Yun(PNU) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 5 분과 : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) Natural Convection Mass Transfer Experiments in Horizontal Cylinders Myeong-Seon Chae and Bum-Jin Chung(JNU) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 5 분과 : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) Design of Multi Bubble Sonoluminescence Reactor for Low Frequency Pressure Radiation Yun-seok Choi and Jae-young Lee(HGU) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 5 분과 : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) Experimental Investigation of Bubble Dynamics in Nucleate Pool Boiling for TiO2Nano Particle Coated Surface Yongwook Shin, Won Seok Han, and Jae-young Lee(HGU) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 5 분과 : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) An Experimental Study on Spiral Motion of Free Rising Oblate Spherical Bubble Woo-ram Lee, Sero Yang, and Jae-young Lee(HGU) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 5 분과 : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) Experimental Investigaion of Pool Boiling for Single and Double Heaters Using Printed Circuit Board Won-Seok Han and Jae-Young Lee(HGU) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 5 분과 : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) Velocity Fields Measurement of Natural Circulation Flow Inside a Pool Using PIV Technique Seok Kim, Dong Eok Kim, Young-Jung Youn, Dong-Jin Euh, and Chul-Hwa Song(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 5 분과 : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) Preliminary Evaluation of APR1400 SB LOCA Analyses Against Breakaway Oxidation Kang-Moon Lee, In-Hun Kim, Shin Eom, and Nam-Ho Lee(KEPCO NF) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 5 분과 : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) Fluid-structure Interaction Analysis for Pressurizer Surge Line Subjected to Thermal Stratification Dong-Gu Kang, Myung-Jo Jhung, and Chae-Yong Yang(KINS) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn