
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2012-Spring 제 3 분과 : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) Covalent Bond Formation of Uranium Ions in a LiCl-KCl Eutectic Melt at 450℃: Spectroscopic Evidence from Their UV-VIS Spectra Young-Hwan Cho, Sang-Eun Bae, Seung-Yong Oh, Jong-Yun Kim, Kyuseok Song, and Jei-Won Yeon(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 3 분과 : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) Conditioning of Spent Sealed Sources in Singapore Dae-Seok Hong, Il-Sik Kang, Kyung-Duk Jang, and Jong-Sik Shon(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 3 분과 : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) U(VI) Interactions with Partially Fe(III)- or Ti(IV)-Coated Silica Hee-Jung Im, Kyoung Kyun Park, and Euo Chang Jung(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 3 분과 : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) Microbial Gas Generation and Implications of Low- and Intermediate- Level Radioactive Waste (L/ILW) Disposal in Korea G.H. Kim, J.M. Park, and A.J. Francis(POSTECH) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 3 분과 : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) Treatment of Spent Air Filters by Repackaging and Decontamination of Frames Il Sik Kang, Tae Kuk Kim, Dae Seok Hong, Won Hyuk Jang, Kyung Kil Kwak, Bum Chul Lee, and Woo Seog R PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 3 분과 : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) A Code Development Framework for Material Flow in a Nuclear Reprocessing Facility Hyo Jik Lee and Won IL Ko(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 3 분과 : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) The Sorption of Selenite onto Ca-Bentonite S. S. Kim, J. H. Min, M. H. Baik, and G. N. Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 3 분과 : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) Synthesis of Novel Mesoporous Silica Materials with Hierarchical Pore Structures Suk Bon Yoon, Wang-Kyu Choi, Byung-Seon Choi, and Jei-Kwon Moon(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 3 분과 : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) Simulation of Radionuclide Transport in the Engineered Barrier System of a Geological Repository Won-Jin Cho, Jin-Sub Kim, Changsoo Lee, and Heui-Joo Cho(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 3 분과 : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) Analysis of Gas Vent System in Overseas LILW Disposal Facilities Juyub Kim and Juyoul Kim(FNC Tech.) Haeryong Jung and Jae-Chul Ha(KRMC) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 3 분과 : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) Plan of Concrete Decontamination Plant Construction of Practical Size Wan-Suk Kim, Gye-Nam Kim, Selulg-Soo Kim, Hye-Min Park, Jei-Kwon Moon(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 3 분과 : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) Sorption Behavior of Radionuclide Iodine on Organic and Inorganic Sorbents Minkyoung Kim, Seeun Chang, Sungwook Choung, and Wooyong Um(POSTECH) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 3 분과 : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) Wavelengths Effect on Mass Ablation of Laser Decontamination on Aluminum Surface Sun-Hee Jung, Hui-Jun Won, Byung-Seon Choi, Chong-Hun Jung and Jei-Kwon Moon(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 3 분과 : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) Thermal Treatment for Radioactive HEPA Filter Media Generated from Nuclear Facilities In-Ho Yoon, Wang-Kyu Choi, Suk-Chol Lee, Byung-Youn Min, Hee-Chul Yang, Kun-Woo Lee, and Jei-Kwon Mo PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 3 분과 : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) Weathering Effects on Technetium Leachability from Ceramicrete Waste Form Jongkwon Choi, Syazwani Mohd Fadzil, and Wooyong Um(POSTECH) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn