국제학술발표회 논문집
No | Conference Name | Year | Subject Area | Title | Author | Paper File |
211 | MC2017 | 2017 | Monte Carlo Methods and Applications | Void Swelling in VVER-1000 Pressure Vessel Internals | Davit Harutyunyan, Ihor Mirzov, Martin Schulc(CVREZ) | PDF보기 |
212 | MC2017 | 2017 | Monte Carlo Methods and Applications | Methodology for Predicting Initial Core Loading of Research Reactors Using Neutron Flux Ratios | K. Hossny, M. Eltawila (Alexsandria) | PDF보기 |
213 | MC2017 | 2017 | Monte Carlo Methods and Applications | Approximate Heat Transfer Solution for the Breed and Burn Molten Salt Reactor | Alisha Kasam, Eugene Shwageraus (Cambridge) | PDF보기 |
214 | MC2017 | 2017 | Monte Carlo Methods and Applications | Adaptive Tally Bin Structure for Problem Analysis and Surface Source Sampling | David Legrady, Zoltan Boroczki, Ildiko Papp (BUTE) | PDF보기 |
215 | MC2017 | 2017 | Monte Carlo Methods and Applications | Verification of McCARD for VHTR core with HTTR Benchmark | Jinsu Park, Tae Yong Han, Hyun Chul Lee, Deokjung Lee (UNIST) | PDF보기 |
216 | MC2017 | 2017 | Monte Carlo Methods and Applications | Investigating Diffusion Coefficient Anisotropy in Axially Heterogeneous High Conversion Water Reactors | Eugene Shwageraus, Nathaniel Read(Cambridge) | PDF보기 |
217 | MC2017 | 2017 | Monte Carlo Methods and Applications | Analysis of BEAVRS Revision 2.0 LWR Whole Core Calculation Using MVP with JENDL-4.0 | Motomu Suzuki, Yasushi Nauchi (CRIEPI) | PDF보기 |
218 | MC2017 | 2017 | Monte Carlo Methods and Applications | A Simulation Model for Free Surface Oscillations Effects on Power Stability of the Aqueous Homogeneous Reactor | Shuai Wang, Yingrui Yu, Liangzi Wang, Xue Qin, Zhumin Jiang(NPIC) | PDF보기 |
219 | MC2017 | 2017 | Monte Carlo Methods and Applications | Validation of SuperMC with BEAVRS Benchmark at Hot Zero Power Condition | Zhiyan Wang, Lijun Hao, Hongfei Liu, Bin Wu, Jing Song (INEST) | - |
220 | MC2017 | 2017 | Monte Carlo Methods and Applications | Pre-Conceptual Core Design of a LBE-Cooled Fast Reactor (BLESS) | Ziguan Wang, Luyu Zhang, Eing Yee Yeoh, Linsen Li, Feng Shen (SPIC) | PDF보기 |
221 | MC2017 | 2017 | Monte Carlo Methods and Applications | Monte Carlo-Deterministic Hybrid Analysis for a Soluble-Boron-Free SMR | Mohd-Syukri Yahya, Yonghee Kim?? (KAIST) | PDF보기 |
222 | MC2017 | 2017 | Monte Carlo Methods and Applications | Preliminary Estimation of the Modeling Error in the PGSFR Core Neutronics Design | Sunghwan Yun, Jong Hyuck Won, Donny Hartanto, Jae-Yong Lim (KAERI) | PDF보기 |
223 | MC2017 | 2017 | Monte Carlo Methods and Applications | Development of McCad as an Integrated Interface Tool for the CAD to MC Geometry Conversion | Lei Lu, Yuefeng Qiu, Christian Wegmann, Ulrich Fischer(KIT) | PDF보기 |
224 | MC2017 | 2017 | Monte Carlo Methods and Applications | Particle Tracking Acceleration via Signed Distance Fields in DAGMC | Patrick C. Shriwise, Andrew Davis, Lucas J. Jacobson, Paul P.H. Wilson (Wisconsin) | PDF보기 |
225 | MC2017 | 2017 | Monte Carlo Methods and Applications | SERPENT Performances with Hybrid Combinatorial and Stereolithographic Geometry | A. Talamo, Y. Gohara, J. Lepp채nen (ANL) | PDF보기 |
Last Modified : 2023.11.20