국제학술발표회 논문집
No | Conference Name | Year | Subject Area | Title | Author | Paper File |
331 | MC2017 | 2017 | General Reactor Analysis Methods and Applications | The Verification of Depletion Capabilities in RMC and APOLLO2/COCAGNE Based on KAIST 1A Benchmark | Yuan Yuan, Xiao Tang, Jingang Liang, Xiaotong Shang, Kan Wang (Tsinghua) | PDF보기 |
332 | MC2017 | 2017 | General Reactor Analysis Methods and Applications | Analyzing The BEAVRS HZP Case With KMacs Using 2-Group Data From SCALE, HELIOS And NTRACER | Mat챠as Zilly, J챕r챕my Bousquet, Kiril Velkov, Young Suk Ban, Han Gyu Joo (GRS) | PDF보기 |
333 | MC2017 | 2017 | General Reactor Analysis Methods and Applications | Introduction of a Hybrid Deterministic / Stochastic Calculation Model for Transient Analysis | Alexander Aures, Andreas Pautz, Kiril Velkov, Winfried Zwermann (GRS) | PDF보기 |
334 | MC2017 | 2017 | General Reactor Analysis Methods and Applications | Explicit Decay Heat Calculation in Nodal Diffusion Code DYN3D | Y. Bilodid, E. Fridman, D. Kotlyar, E. Shwageraus (HZDR) | PDF보기 |
335 | MC2017 | 2017 | General Reactor Analysis Methods and Applications | A Stability Analysis of The IBR-2M Pulsed Reactor of Periodic Operation at Self-Regulating Regime | Pepelyshev Yu.N, Popov A.K, Sumkhuu D (JINR) | PDF보기 |
336 | MC2017 | 2017 | General Reactor Analysis Methods and Applications | HTR-10 Multiphysics Point Kinetics Benchmark | B. Ganapol, M. DeHart, F. Gleicher, J. Ortensi, S. Schunert, R. Martineau (Arizona) | PDF보기 |
337 | MC2017 | 2017 | General Reactor Analysis Methods and Applications | C5G7-TD Benchmark for Time-Dependent Heterogeneous Neutron Transport Calculations | Jason Hou, Kostadin Ivanov, Victor Boyarinov, Peter Fomichenko (NCSU) | PDF보기 |
338 | MC2017 | 2017 | General Reactor Analysis Methods and Applications | Quasi-static Analysis of VHTR Core using Neutronics/Thermo-fluid Coupled CAPP/GAMMA+ Code System | Jun-Kyung Jang, Ho-Chul Lee, Nam-il Tak, Hyun Chul Lee(Pusan) | PDF보기 |
339 | MC2017 | 2017 | General Reactor Analysis Methods and Applications | Whole-Core Pin-Resolved PWR Transient Calculations in MPACT | Brendan Kochunas, Ang Zhu, Daniel Jabaay, Yunlin Xu, Thomas Downar(Michigan) | PDF보기 |
340 | MC2017 | 2017 | General Reactor Analysis Methods and Applications | SIMMER Extension For Multigroup Energy Structure Search Using Genetic Algorithm | M. Massone, F. Gabrielli, A. Rineiski (KIT) | PDF보기 |
341 | MC2017 | 2017 | General Reactor Analysis Methods and Applications | nTRACER Whole Core Transport Solutions to C5G7-TD Benchmark | Min Ryu, Han Gyu Joo (SNU) | PDF보기 |
342 | MC2017 | 2017 | Deterministic Transport Methods and Applications | Analysis of Alpha Modes in Multigroup Diffusion | Richard Sanchez, Daniele Tomatis, Igor Zmijarevic, Kevin Dugan (CEA) | PDF보기 |
343 | MC2017 | 2017 | General Reactor Analysis Methods and Applications | Nonlinear Analysis for Control of Xenon Oscillations using Sigmoid Functions | Abhishek Chakraborty, Suneet Singh (IITB) | PDF보기 |
344 | MC2017 | 2017 | General Reactor Analysis Methods and Applications | Multi-objective Differential Evolution Algorithms for Optimization of Heterogeneous LWR Assemblies | Alan J. Charles, Geoffrey T. Parks (Cambridge) | PDF보기 |
345 | MC2017 | 2017 | General Reactor Analysis Methods and Applications | Modeling Local History Effects in the Nodal Code ARTEMIS | Aldo Dall | PDF보기 |
Last Modified : 2023.11.20