
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2015-Autumn 9A : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 10.29(Thu) 11:40 오팔 (2F) Study on Enhancing Nuclear Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia Jounghoon Lee and Chul Heo(KINAC) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 9A : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 10.29(Thu) 12:00 오팔 (2F) Addressing Safeguards Challenges for the Future Raed MAJALI and Man-Sung Yim(KAIST) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 9B : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Systematic Approach to Training for System Engineers in Nuclear Power Plants Jeong-keun Kwak(KHNP) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 9B : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Nuclear Human Resources Development Program Using Educational Core Simulator Yu Sun Choi and Soon Kwan Hong(KHNP CRI) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 9B : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Assessment of Safety Culture within the Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) Muhammad Afzal(PNRA), Kwang Sik Choi(KINS) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 9B : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Development of Safety Culture of Regulatory Body in Korea Myunghyun Yoon, Young Sung Choi, and Kyungjoo Yi(KINS) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 9B : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Domestic Regulation for Periodic Safety Review of Nuclear Power Plants Daesik Kim, Seunghoon Ahn, Geunsun Auh, and Jonghyeok Lee(KINS) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 9B : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Energy Policy for Malaysia(2013-2050) Norashila Yusoff and Seung Jong Oh(KINGS) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 9B : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Analysis of Trends in Publications and Citations of Papers on Nuclear Science and Technology Field in Korea: Focusing on the Scopus Data Base Young Choon Chun(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 9B : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) The Regime of Spent Nuclear Fuel Management in Korea: Focused on the Licensing Process Ae Ri Lee, Yong Soo Hwang, and Sun Young Chang(KINAC) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 9C : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Study on the Efficient Export Control for the Intangible Transfer of Technology Sung-ho Yoon, Sun-do Choi, Chansuh Lee, and Jong-sook Kim(KINAC) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 9C : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) The Role of Text Mining in Export Control Jae-woong Tae, Choul-woong Son, and Dong-hoon Shin(KINAC) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 9C : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Proliferation Resistance and Safeguardability Assessment of a SFR Metal Fuel Manufacturing Facility(SFMF) using the INPRO Methodology H. L. Chang, W. l. Ko, S. H. Park, H. D. Kim, and G. I. Park(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 9C : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) 2014 International Physical Protection Advisory Service(IPPAS) Mission to the Republic of Korea(ROK) Myung-tak Jung , Jungsoo Kim, and Youngwook Lee(KINAC) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 9C : 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Analysis on the Revision of the United States Authorizing Procedure for the Transfer of Unclassified Nuclear Technology Sung-ho Yoon, Hana Seo, Chansuh Lee, and Jong-sook Kim(KINAC) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn