
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2015-Autumn 10D : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote System) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) A Strategy for Accomplishing Human-Performance Monitoring of Constructing NPPs Sung Chanho and Jung Yeonsub(KHNP CRI) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 10D : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote System) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Verification of BGA Type FPGA Logic Applied to a Control Equipment with Safety Class Using the Special Socket YounHu Chung, Kwanwoo Yoo, Myeongkyun Lee, and Donghwa Yun(PONU-Tech) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 10D : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote System) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) The HMI Development of SMART Training Simulator Based on Design Analysis Codes Woo Seok Heo, Young Rok Sim, Eun Jung Kim, and Kwang Young Sohn(MIRAE EN), Joon Ku Lee, Kwang II Jeong, and Geun Ok Park(KAERl) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 10D : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote System) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Estimation of Processor Module Life in NPP's Environment Pil ju Lee, Mingyu Kim, and Ilkoo Han(PONU-Tech) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 10D : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote System) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Modeling Human Error Mechanism for Soft Control in Advanced Control Rooms (ACRs) Hanan Salah Ali Aljneibi(Khalifa Univ.), Jun Su Ha, Seongkeun Kang, and Poong Hyun Seong(KAIST) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 10D : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote System) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Optimization of Allowed Outage Time aud Surviellence Test Intervals Mujahed Al-Dheeb, Sunkoo Kang, and Jonghyun Kim(KINGS) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 10D : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote System) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Identification of Error of Commissions in the LOCA Using the CESA Method Myeruyert Tukhbyet-olla, Sunkoo Kang, and Jonghyun Kim(KINGS) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 10D : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote System) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Lesson Learned-CGID Based on the Method1 and Method 2 for Digital Equipment Wonil Hwang, Kwang Young Sohn, Chang Hwan Cho, and Sung Jong Kim(MIRAE EN) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 10D : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote System) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) System and Software Design for the Plant Protection System for Shin-Hanul Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 In Seok Hwang, Young Geul Kim, Woong Seock Choi, and Se Do Sohn(KEPCO E&C) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 10D : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote System) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Implementation of a RPS Cyber Security Test-bed with Two PLCs Jinsoo Shin and Gyunyoung Heo(KHU), Hanseong Son(Joongbu Univ.), Yongkyu An and Rizwan-uddin(UIUC) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 10D : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote System) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) An Approach to Human Error Hazard Detection of Unexpected Situations in NPPs Sangjun Park, Yeonju Oh, Youmin Shin, and Yong-Hee Lee(KAERl) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 10D : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote System) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) An Applicability Evaluation on Real-time Kernel Prototype for Nuclear Safety-Grade Controller Kwang II Jeong, Joon Ku Lee, Geun Ok Park, Je Youn Park, and In Soo Koo(KAERl), Byeong Seok Yoo(MDS Tech.) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 10D : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote System) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Characteristics of Acceleration and Aconstic Emission Signals from Mechanical Seals Do Hwan Lee and Che Woong Ha(KHNP CRI) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 10D : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote System) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Discussion of ISV Scenario Scope with Operating Process Element Yun Goo Kim and Eungse Oh(KHNP CRI) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 10D : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 (Nuclear I&C and Automatic Remote System) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) A Performance Improvement of Power Supply Module for Safety-related Controller Jong-Kyun Kim, Dong-Hwa Yun, Sung-Jae Hwang, Myeong-Kyun Lee, and Kwan-Woo Yoo(PONU-Tech) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn