
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2015-Spring 0A : 개회식 및 특별강연(Opening and Special Lectures) ) 5.7(Thu) 16:00 특별강연1 : : Implication of Fukushima and Future Prospects for Nuclear Energy Yoichi Fuji-ie(NPO Nuclear Salon Fuji?ie)Yoichi Fuji-ie(NPO Nuclear Salon Fuji-ie) - -
2015-Spring 0A : 개회식 및 특별강연(Opening and Special Lectures) ) 5.7(Thu) 17:00 특별강연2 : 제주인들은 어떻게 살았을까 Man Saeng KANG (Jeju History & Culture Institute) - -
2015-Spring 1A : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 09:00 삼다홀A Investigation of Electricity Generation by Using Gamma Radiation from Spent Fuels Haneol Lee and Man-Sung Yim(KAIST) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1A : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 09:20 삼다홀A Numerical Analysis of In-Vessel Retention Using MARS-Ga for APR 1400 under the Gallium-water External Reactor Vessel Cooling System Sarah Kang, Seong Dae Park, In Guk Kim, and In Cheol Bang(UNIST) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1A : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 09:40 삼다홀A Preliminary Studies of S-CO2 Critical Flow for Leak Modeling in Sodium-CO2 Heat Exchanger Hwa-Young Jung, A-Reum Go, and Jeong Ik Lee(KAIST) Myung-Hwan Wi(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1A : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 10:00 삼다홀A In-Vessel Storage Cooling Analysis in PGSFR Jung Yoon and Tae-ho Lee(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1A : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 10:20 삼다홀A Validation of Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger Design Code KAIST_HXD Seungjoon Baik, Seong Gu Kim, Jekyoung Lee, and Jeong Ik Lee(KAIST) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1A : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 11:00 삼다홀A Cooling Performance of ALIP according to the Air or Sodium Cooling Type Huee-Youl Ye, Jung Yoon, and Tae-Ho Lee(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1A : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 11:20 삼다홀A Multidimensional Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis for Decay Heat Exchanger of PGSFR Jonggan Hong, Jung Yoon, Dehee Kim, and Tae-Ho Lee(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1A : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 11:40 삼다홀A Design and Performance Evaluation of a Combined DHX Unit for SFR Design Application Jaehyuk Eoh, Dehee Kim, Chang-Gyu Park, and Ji-Young Jeong(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1A : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 12:00 삼다홀A Visualization Study of Melt Dispersion Behavior for SFR with a Metallic Fuel under Severe Accidents Hyo Heo, Seong Dae Park, and In Cheol Bang(UNIST) Dong Wook Jerng(CAU) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1B : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 09:00 삼다홀 B Heat Transfer Distribution for Reactor Cavity Cooling System Riser Considering Thermal Conduction Byung Ha Park(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1B : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 09:20 삼다홀 B Simulation on the HTTR Control Rod Withdrawal Test Ji Su Jun, Nam-il Tak, and Hong Sik Lim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1B : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 09:40 삼다홀 B Preliminary Analysis of the KAERI RCCS Experiment Using GAMMA+ Samukelisiwe Khoza, Nam-il Tak, Hong-Sik Lim, Sung-Nam Lee, Bong-Hyun Cho, and Jong-Hwan Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1B : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 10:00 삼다홀 B Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Alloy 617 Base Metal and Welded Joints at Room Temperature and 850˚C for VHTR Applications Seon Jin Kim and Rando T. Dewa(PKNU) Woo Gon Kim and Min Hwan Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn