학술발표회 논문집
Year | Div | Date/Time | ROOM | Title | Author | Abstract File | Presentation File |
2014-Spring | 2D : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학 - Poster (Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 3층 로비 | An Analysis of Spherical Particles Distribution Randomly Packed in a Medium for the Monte Carlo Implicit Modeling | Jae Yong LEE, Song Hyun KIM, Chang Ho SHIN, and Jong Kyung KIM(HYU) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 2D : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학 - Poster (Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 3층 로비 | Generation of Incremental Cross Sections for Modified 37-element Fuel of CANDU6 | Hwan-Soo LEE and Young-Ae KIM(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 2D : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학 - Poster (Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 3층 로비 | A Study on the Construction of Experimental System to Verify Criticality Control Performance of Neutron Absorber based on Artificial Rare Earth Compound | Jae Hyun KIM, Song Hyun KIM, Ji Sung PARK, Chang Ho SHIN, and Jong Kyung KIM(HYU) Hwan Seo PARK and Jung Hun CHOE(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 2D : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학 - Poster (Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 3층 로비 | A Proposal on the Geometry Splitting Strategy to Enhance the Calculation Efficiency in Monte Carlo Simulation | Gi Yeong HAN, Song Hyun KIM, Do Hyun KIM, Chang Ho SHIN, and Jong Kyung KIM(HYU) | PDF보기 | PPT보기 |
2014-Spring | 2D : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학 - Poster (Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 3층 로비 | Uncertainty Analysis of Few Group Cross Sections Based on Generalized Perturbation Theory | Tae Young Han, Hyun Chul Lee, and Jae Man Noh(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 2D : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학 - Poster (Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 3층 로비 | Recent Update on RAON Neutron Science Facility for Neutron-induced Cross-section and Various Application | Jae Cheon Kim, Jae Bum Son, and Gi Dong Kim(IBS) Yong-Kyun Kim(HYU) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 2D : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학 - Poster (Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 3층 로비 | Neutronic Analysis of HTTR Core Using DeCART Code | Chang Joon Jeong, Hyun Chul Lee, and Jae Man Noh(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 2D : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학 - Poster (Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 3층 로비 | The Progress in the Development a New Point Kernel Shielding Code Based on the Iterative Scheme for Treating the Stratified Shields | Sari F. Alkhatib(UST) Chang Je Park(Sejong Univ.,) Gyuhong Roh and Byungchul Lee(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 2D : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학 - Poster (Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 3층 로비 | Burnup Effect on Nuclear Fuel Cycle Cost Using an Equilibrium Model | S. R. Youn(UST) S. K. Kim and W. I. Ko(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 3A : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) | 5.29(Thu) 09:00 | 304 | Process Simulation of Seamless Remote Cutting System for Reactor Pressure Vessd | Dongjun Hyun, Sung-Uk Lee, Yong-Chil Seo, Geun-Ho Kim, Jonghwan Lee, Kwan-Seong Jeong, Byung-Seon Choi, and Jeikwon Moon(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 3A : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) | 5.29(Thu) 09:20 | 304 | Case Study on Large Component Removal in Decommissioning of Commercial NPPs in USA | Seong-Cheol Lee and Chang-Lak Kim(KINGS) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 3A : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) | 5.29(Thu) 09:40 | 304 | Survey on Dismantling Technologies of Nuclear Power Plants | Poong Eil Juhn(KAEEA) Kune Y. Suh(SNU) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 3A : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) | 5.29(Thu) 10:00 | 304 | Characterization for Soil Fiation by Polyelectrolyte Complex | Yong Suk Choi, Sang Woon Kwon, Hee-Man Yang, Kune Woo Lee, Bum-Kyoung Seo, and Jei Kwon Moon(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 3A : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) | 5.29(Thu) 10:20 | 304 | Magnetite Dissolution Performance of HYBRID-II Decontamination Process | Seon-Byeong Kim, Woo-Sung Lee, Hui-Jun Won, Jei-Kwon Moon, and Wang-Kyu Choi(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 3A : 방사성폐기물관리(Radioactive Waste Management) | 5.29(Thu) 10:40 | 304 | Foam Decontamination Containing Silica Nanoparticles of Various Structures | In-Ho Yoon, Chorong Kim, Chong-Hun Jung, Han-Beom Yang, Sang Yoon Park, Jei-Kwon Moon, and Wang-Kyu Choi(KAERI) Suk Bon Yoon(KHNP) | PDF보기 | - |
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn