학술발표회 논문집
Year | Div | Date/Time | ROOM | Title | Author | Abstract File | Presentation File |
2013- Spring | 5G : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 5.31(Fri) 09:20 | 207 | Conceptual Design of Passive Containment Cooling System Based on APR+ | Byong Guk Jeon and Hee Cheon NO(KAIST) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Spring | 5G : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 5.31(Fri) 09:40 | 207 | Numerical Simulations of the Transient Behavior of an Advanced Safety Injection Tank | H. Y. Yoon(KAERI) J. J. Jeong(PNU) H. K. Cho(SNU) Y. S. Bang and K. W. Seul(KINS) | PDF보기 | PPT보기 |
2013- Spring | 5G : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 5.31(Fri) 10:00 | 207 | Preliminary Performance and Senstivity Analysis of Hybrid Safety Injection System for Passive Emergency Core Cooling System | Sang Hee Kang and Han Gon Kim(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Spring | 5G : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 5.31(Fri) 10:20 | 207 | Evaluation of the APR+ Passive Auxiliary Feedwater System Performance during Main Feedwater Line Break Accident using MARS-KS | Min Jeong Hwang, Ralph Marigomen, and S. K. Sim(En2t) Young Seok Bang(KINS) | PDF보기 | PPT보기 |
2013- Spring | 5G : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 5.31(Fri) 11:00 | 207 | Performance Analysis on Passive Emergency Core Cooling System(P-ECCS) | Soon Il Chung, Soon Joon Hong, and Doo Yong Lee(FNC Tech.) Sang Hee Kang and Han Gon Kim(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Spring | 5G : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 5.31(Fri) 11:20 | 207 | Preliminary Study on Design of Passive Containment Cooling System (PCCS) | Yun-Je Cho, Dong-Jin Euh, and Tae-Soon Kwon(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Spring | 5G : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 5.31(Fri) 11:40 | 207 | GOTHIC Simulation of Passive Containment Cooling System | Hui-Un Ha and Han-Gon Kim(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Spring | 5G : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 5.31(Fri) 12:00 | 207 | Safety Analysis for Enlargement of Allowance Band of Main Steam Safety Valve Opening Setpoint of Wolsong Unit 1 | Sungmin Kim(KHNP CRI) Jonghyun Kim and Cheonhwey Cho(ACT Co., Ltd) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Spring | 5H : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 5.31(Fri) 09:00 | C312 | Coping with Unanticipated Accidents Using Emergency Operating Procedures | Yochan Kim and Wondea Jung(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Spring | 5H : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 5.31(Fri) 09:20 | C312 | Experimental Investingation on Core Cooling Effect in Accordance with the Bypass Debris for WH Type Plant | In-Hwan Kim, Seung-Chan Lee, Je-Joong Sung, and Chang-Hyun Kim(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Spring | 5H : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 5.31(Fri) 09:40 | C312 | Reactivity Initiated Accident Analysis for the APR1400 PWR Using FALCON Fuel Performance Code | Yong Deog Kim, Ki Young Kim, Sun Kwan Hong, and Yong Bae Kim(KHNP CRI) Song Ki Sung(KEPCO NF) Eui Hw | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Spring | 5H : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 5.31(Fri) 10:00 | C312 | Considerations for Applying Design Extension Conditions to Domestic Nuclear Power Plants | Yong Ho RYU(KINS) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Spring | 5H : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 5.31(Fri) 10:20 | C312 | Basic Approach of Korean EDMG and FLEX Development | Moon-Hak Jee and Hyeong-Taek Kim(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Spring | 5H : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 5.31(Fri) 11:00 | C312 | Prioritization of Lesson learned from Fukushima Accident Using AHP | Muhammad Zubair, Park Sujin, and Gyunyoung Heo(KHU) | PDF보기 | - |
2013- Spring | 5H : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 5.31(Fri) 11:20 | C312 | A Probabilistic Analysis Methodology and Its Application to A Spent Fuel Pool System | Hyowon Kim and Moosung Jae(HYU) Ho G. Ryu(M&D Co.,) | PDF보기 | - |
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn