
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2011-Spring 제2분과 : 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Reactor Physics and Computational Science) A Case Study of Inaccuracy of Advanced SAM Application in the OPR1OOO Roh Kyung-Ho, Yang Sung-Tae, and Jung Ji-Eun(KHNP) PDF보기 -
2011-Spring 제2분과 : 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Reactor Physics Analysis and Generation of Flux Shapes by Enhanced ROP Methodology for Wolsong 2 Sang-Rae Moon, Sung-Tae Yang, and Kyung-Ho Roh(KHNP) PDF보기 -
2011-Spring 제2분과 : 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Conceptual Design of a Neutron TOF Facility at KoRIA Cheol Woo Lee, Tae-Yung Song, Jaegwon Yoo, and Young-Ouk Lee(KAERI) Gi-Dong Kim(KIGAM) PDF보기 -
2011-Spring 제2분과 : 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Neutronic Parametric Study on a Conceptual Design for a Transmutation Fusion Blanket M. Tariq Siddique and Myung-Hyun Kim(KHU) PDF보기 -
2011-Spring 제2분과 : 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Review of the Decrease in the COLSS Reactor Coolant Flow caused by an Increase of the RCP Differential Pressure (DP) Jin-Won Son, Kyung-Ho Roh, and Sung-Tae Yang(KHNP) PDF보기 -
2011-Spring 제2분과 : 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Evaluation of Fuel Rod Performance in the APR+ Design Sang-Seob Lee, Ho-Rim Moon, and Young-Sheop Park(KHNP) PDF보기 -
2011-Spring 제2분과 : 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Implementation of Neutronics Analysis Code using the Features of Object Oriented Programming via Fortran90/95 Tae Young Han and Beom Jin Cho(KEPCO NF) PDF보기 -
2011-Spring 제2분과 : 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Preliminary Steady State and Transient Analyses of SMART Reactor Core Using the COREDAX Code Jaejun Lee, Jong Hyuck Won, and Nam Zin Cho(KAIST) Yong Ho Ryu and Ju Yeop Park(KINS) PDF보기 -
2011-Spring 제2분과 : 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Reactor Physics and Computational Science) CFD Study on Flow Distribution at the Core Inlet Region of SMART Youngmin Bae, Hongyun So, Yu Mi Jeon, Yeong-Gil Kim, Young-In Kim, Cheon-Tae Park, and Suhn Choi(KAE PDF보기 -
2011-Spring 제2분과 : 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Monte Carlo Simulation on Proton-Induced Fast Neutron Source Se-jin Ra, Myung Hwan Jung, and Kye-Ryung Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2011-Spring 제2분과 : 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Sensitivity Calculation of Vanadium Self-Powered Neutron Detector Kyoon Ho, Cha(KEPCO RI) PDF보기 -
2011-Spring 제2분과 : 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Reactor Physics and Computational Science) APR1OOO Core Design with 30% MOX Fuel Loading Hwan-Soo Lee, Yu Sun Choi, Seong Man Bae, and Keun-Bae Yoo(KEPCO RI) PDF보기 -
2011-Spring 제2분과 : 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Burn-up Calculation of the PBMR Core with Pebble Flow Velocity from Modified Kinematic Model Hong-Chul KIM, Song Hyun Kim, and Jong Kyung KIM(HYU) Jae Man NOH(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2011-Spring 제2분과 : 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Reactor Physics and Computational Science) An Evaluation on Criticality Safety of Corium Arranged in a Core Catcher Song Hyun Kim, Jong Kyung Kim, and Chang Ho Shin(HYU) Jin Ho Song and Tae Woon Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2011-Spring 제2분과 : 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Analysis of Fluid Characteristics in AFWS by Coupling Strategy Using One-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional CFD Methods Nam-Seok Kim, Sang-Kyu Lee, Byung-Soo Shin, and O-Hyun Keum(KINS) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn