
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2015-Autumn 4H : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) PFM Analysis for Pre-Existing Cracks on Alloy 182 Weld in PWR Primary Water Environment using Monte Carlo Simulation Jae Phil Park, and Chi Bum Bahn(PNU) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 4H : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Vertically-Driven Very High Speed Planetary Milling Apparatus for the Fabrication of Oxide Dispersion Strengthen Steel Jin-Ju Park, Sung-Mo Hong, Eun-Kwang Park, and Min-Ku Lee(KAERl) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 4H : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Crack Propagation Behaviors of Multi-Layered SiC Composite Tubes Daejong Kim, Donghee Lee, Hyeon-Geun Lee, Ji Yeon Park, and Weon-Ju Kim(KAERl) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 4H : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Bayesian Model on Fatigue Crack Growth Rate of Type 304 Stainless Steel Sanhae Choi, Jae Young Yoon, and II Soon Hwang(SNU) PDF보기 PPT보기
2015-Autumn 4H : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Effects of High-Energy Proton-Beam Irradiation on the Magnetic Properties of ZnO Nanorods Jun Kue Park, Hyeok-Jung Kwon, and Yong Sub Cho(KAERl) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 4H : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Laser Welding Test Results with Gas Atmospheres in Welding Chamber Chang-Young Joung, Jin-Tae Hong, Sung-Ho Ahn, Sung-Ho Reo, Seo-Yun Jang, and Tae-Ho Yang(KAERl) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 4H : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Finite Element Analysis for Bending Process of U-Bending Specimens Won Dong Park and Chi Bum Bahn(PNU) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 4H : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) 10.29(Thu) 13:00 다이아몬드 (B1F) Microstructure Characterization and Hardness Evaluation of Alloy 52 Welded Stainless Steel 316 Subjected to Ultrasonic Nanocyrtal Surface Modification Technique H. D. Kim, A. Amanov, and Y. S. Pyun(SMU), Y. S. Kim and Y. S. Choi(ANU) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 5A : 원자력열수력 및 안전 (Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.29(Thu) 09:00 다이너스티 (B2F) (초청발표1) A Validation of Subchannel Based CHF Prediction Model for Rod Bundles Dae-Hyun Hwang and Seong-Jin Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 5A : 원자력열수력 및 안전 (Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.29(Thu) 09:30 다이너스티 (B2F) (초청발표2) An Overview of the MARS and CUPID Code Development: Numerical Aspect Jae Jun Jeong(PNU) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 5A : 원자력열수력 및 안전 (Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.29(Thu) 10:00 다이너스티 (B2F) An Implicit Numerical Method for the Simulation of Two-phase Flow Han Young Yoon and Seung-Jun Lee(KAERI), Jae Jun Jeong(PNU) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 5A : 원자력열수력 및 안전 (Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.29(Thu) 10:20 다이너스티 (B2F) Effect of Bubble Influence Area Factor on Wall Heat Flux Partitioning in CUPID Simulation of SUBO Experiment Y. J. Cho and H. Y. Yoon(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 5A : 원자력열수력 및 안전 (Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.29(Thu) 11:00 다이너스티 (B2F) Numerical Study of Thermal Hydraulics for Secondary Side of Steam Generator by CUPID/MARS Coupled Simulation Jae Ryong Lee and Han Young Yoon(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 5A : 원자력열수력 및 안전 (Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.29(Thu) 11:20 다이너스티 (B2F) Analysis of Wall film Condensation with CUPID in the Presence of Non-Condensable Gases Jehee Lee and Hyoung Kyu Cho(SNU), Han Young Yoon(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Autumn 5A : 원자력열수력 및 안전 (Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.29(Thu) 11:40 다이너스티 (B2F) Modeling of Wall Effects on Drag and Lift Acting on Bubbles in Turbulent Bubbly Pipe Flows Jungwoo Kim(Seoultech), Dongjoo Kim(KIT) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn