학술발표회 논문집
Year | Div | Date/Time | ROOM | Title | Author | Abstract File | Presentation File |
2015-Autumn | 4H : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.29(Thu) 13:00 | 다이아몬드 (B1F) | PFM Analysis for Pre-Existing Cracks on Alloy 182 Weld in PWR Primary Water Environment using Monte Carlo Simulation | Jae Phil Park, and Chi Bum Bahn(PNU) | PDF보기 | - |
2015-Autumn | 4H : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.29(Thu) 13:00 | 다이아몬드 (B1F) | Vertically-Driven Very High Speed Planetary Milling Apparatus for the Fabrication of Oxide Dispersion Strengthen Steel | Jin-Ju Park, Sung-Mo Hong, Eun-Kwang Park, and Min-Ku Lee(KAERl) | PDF보기 | - |
2015-Autumn | 4H : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.29(Thu) 13:00 | 다이아몬드 (B1F) | Crack Propagation Behaviors of Multi-Layered SiC Composite Tubes | Daejong Kim, Donghee Lee, Hyeon-Geun Lee, Ji Yeon Park, and Weon-Ju Kim(KAERl) | PDF보기 | - |
2015-Autumn | 4H : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.29(Thu) 13:00 | 다이아몬드 (B1F) | Bayesian Model on Fatigue Crack Growth Rate of Type 304 Stainless Steel | Sanhae Choi, Jae Young Yoon, and II Soon Hwang(SNU) | PDF보기 | PPT보기 |
2015-Autumn | 4H : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.29(Thu) 13:00 | 다이아몬드 (B1F) | Effects of High-Energy Proton-Beam Irradiation on the Magnetic Properties of ZnO Nanorods | Jun Kue Park, Hyeok-Jung Kwon, and Yong Sub Cho(KAERl) | PDF보기 | - |
2015-Autumn | 4H : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.29(Thu) 13:00 | 다이아몬드 (B1F) | Laser Welding Test Results with Gas Atmospheres in Welding Chamber | Chang-Young Joung, Jin-Tae Hong, Sung-Ho Ahn, Sung-Ho Reo, Seo-Yun Jang, and Tae-Ho Yang(KAERl) | PDF보기 | - |
2015-Autumn | 4H : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.29(Thu) 13:00 | 다이아몬드 (B1F) | Finite Element Analysis for Bending Process of U-Bending Specimens | Won Dong Park and Chi Bum Bahn(PNU) | PDF보기 | - |
2015-Autumn | 4H : 핵연료 및 원자력재료 (Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.29(Thu) 13:00 | 다이아몬드 (B1F) | Microstructure Characterization and Hardness Evaluation of Alloy 52 Welded Stainless Steel 316 Subjected to Ultrasonic Nanocyrtal Surface Modification Technique | H. D. Kim, A. Amanov, and Y. S. Pyun(SMU), Y. S. Kim and Y. S. Choi(ANU) | PDF보기 | - |
2015-Autumn | 5A : 원자력열수력 및 안전 (Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 10.29(Thu) 09:00 | 다이너스티 (B2F) | (초청발표1) A Validation of Subchannel Based CHF Prediction Model for Rod Bundles | Dae-Hyun Hwang and Seong-Jin Kim(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2015-Autumn | 5A : 원자력열수력 및 안전 (Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 10.29(Thu) 09:30 | 다이너스티 (B2F) | (초청발표2) An Overview of the MARS and CUPID Code Development: Numerical Aspect | Jae Jun Jeong(PNU) | PDF보기 | - |
2015-Autumn | 5A : 원자력열수력 및 안전 (Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 10.29(Thu) 10:00 | 다이너스티 (B2F) | An Implicit Numerical Method for the Simulation of Two-phase Flow | Han Young Yoon and Seung-Jun Lee(KAERI), Jae Jun Jeong(PNU) | PDF보기 | - |
2015-Autumn | 5A : 원자력열수력 및 안전 (Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 10.29(Thu) 10:20 | 다이너스티 (B2F) | Effect of Bubble Influence Area Factor on Wall Heat Flux Partitioning in CUPID Simulation of SUBO Experiment | Y. J. Cho and H. Y. Yoon(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2015-Autumn | 5A : 원자력열수력 및 안전 (Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 10.29(Thu) 11:00 | 다이너스티 (B2F) | Numerical Study of Thermal Hydraulics for Secondary Side of Steam Generator by CUPID/MARS Coupled Simulation | Jae Ryong Lee and Han Young Yoon(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2015-Autumn | 5A : 원자력열수력 및 안전 (Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 10.29(Thu) 11:20 | 다이너스티 (B2F) | Analysis of Wall film Condensation with CUPID in the Presence of Non-Condensable Gases | Jehee Lee and Hyoung Kyu Cho(SNU), Han Young Yoon(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2015-Autumn | 5A : 원자력열수력 및 안전 (Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) | 10.29(Thu) 11:40 | 다이너스티 (B2F) | Modeling of Wall Effects on Drag and Lift Acting on Bubbles in Turbulent Bubbly Pipe Flows | Jungwoo Kim(Seoultech), Dongjoo Kim(KIT) | PDF보기 | - |
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn