
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2015-Spring 1F : 원자로시스템기술-Poster(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Calculation of LUEC Usiug HEEP Software for Nuclear Hydrogen Production Plant Jongho Kim, Kiyoung Lee, and Minhwan Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1F : 원자로시스템기술-Poster(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Creep Rupture Properties for Base and Weld Metals of Alloy 617 Woo-Gon Kim and Min-Hwan Kim(KAERI) Jae-Young Park, l.M.W. Ekaputra, and Seon-Jin Kim(PKNU) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1F : 원자로시스템기술-Poster(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Thermal Analysis of CANDU Spent Fuel Bay Cooling System Jeong Mann Kim, Ho Cheol Jang, Jin A Jang, and Eun Kee Kim(KEPCO E&C) WanGyu Park(KHNP) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1G: 원자로시스템기술-Poster(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Performance Test of the Prototype SSDM for KJRR Sanghaun Kim, Yeong-Garp Cho, Yeon-Sik Yoo, and Jeong Soo Ryu(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1G: 원자로시스템기술-Poster(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Two-Phase Instability Characteristics of Printed Circuit Steam Generator for the Low Pressure Condition Han-Ok Kang, Hun Sik Han, Young-In Kim, and Keung Koo Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1G: 원자로시스템기술-Poster(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Detailed Design of the Safety Residual Heat Removal System and a Circulation Pump For the KIJANG Research Reactor Hyungi Yoon, Kyoungwoo Seo, and Seonghoon Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1G: 원자로시스템기술-Poster(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Performance and Endurance Tests of the Top-Mounted CRDM for JRTR Myoung-Hwan Choi and Yeong-Garp Cho(KAERI) Jung-Hyun Kim(POSCO Plantec) Kwan-Hee Lee(RIST) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1G: 원자로시스템기술-Poster(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Design and Construction of Operation Bridge for Research Reactor Kwangsub Jung, Jinbok Choi, Jongmin Lee, and Jinho Oh(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1G: 원자로시스템기술-Poster(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Experimental Investigation on Rotation Characteristic of Hydraulic Rotation Device for Neutron Transmutation Doping Ki-Jung Park, Han-Ok Kang, Seong Hoon Kim, and Cheol Park(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1G: 원자로시스템기술-Poster(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Feasibility of Thermoelectric Waste Heat Recovery from Research Reactor Byeonghee Lee(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1G: 원자로시스템기술-Poster(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Design, Fabrication, and Characteristic Experiment of a Hybrid Electromagnet for Bottom-Mounted Control Rod Drive Mechanism Hyung Huh, Jin-Haeng Lee, Yeon-Sik Yoo, Yeong-Garp Cho, and Jeong-Soo Ryu(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1G: 원자로시스템기술-Poster(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Uncertainty Evaluation for Core Thermal Power in Research Reactor Sunil Lee, Kyoung-Woo Seo, Seong-Hoon Kim, Dae-Young Chi, and Cheol Park(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1G: 원자로시스템기술-Poster(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Structural Integrity Evaluation for the Perforated Plate of a PCS Discharge Header Using Power Spectral Density Analysis Jinho Oh, Jongmin Lee, and Jeong-Soo Ryu(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 1G: 원자로시스템기술-Poster(Reactor System Technology) 5.7(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Numerical Analysis of Overpressure Transient during Cold Shutdown Operation for APR1400 Nuclear Power Plant Byung Soo Shin, Yun II Kim, Ae Ju Jung, and Bok Ki Min(KINS) PDF보기 -
2015-Spring 2A : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 5.7(Thu) 09:00 202A A Preliminary Study on an Uncertainty of Generated Self-shielded Total Cross Sections in an Unresolved Resonance Region Jong Woon Kim, Sang Ji Kim, Choong-Sup Gil, and Young-Ouk Lee(KAERI) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn