학술발표회 논문집
Year | Div | Date/Time | ROOM | Title | Author | Abstract File | Presentation File |
2014-Autumn | 2A : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 10.30(Thu) 09:40 | 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅰ | Investigation of the Power Coefficient of Reactivity of 3D CANDU Reactor through Detailed Monte Carlo Analysis | Mohammad Abdul Motalab, Woosong Kim, and Yonghee Kim(KAIST) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 2A : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 10.30(Thu) 10:00 | 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅰ | A Study of Neutronics Effects of the Spacer Grids in a Typical PWR via Monte Carlo Calculation | Tran Xuan Bach and Nam Zin Cho(KAIST) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 2A : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 10.30(Thu) 10:20 | 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅰ | Real Variance Estimation of BEAVRS Whole Core Benchmark in Monte Carlo Eigenvalue Calculations | Ho Jin Park and Hyun Chul Lee(KAERI) Hyung Jin Shim and Chang Hyo Kim(SNU) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 2A : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 10.30(Thu) 11:00 | 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅰ | Incorporation of Anisotropic Scattering in Ntracer | Min Ryu, Yeon Sang Jung, Chang Hyun Lim, and Han Gyu Joo(SNU) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 2A : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 10.30(Thu) 11:20 | 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅰ | A Preliminary Study on a Method for Generating Self-shielded Multi-group Cross Sections in an Unresolved Resonance Region | Jong Woon Kim, Sang Ji Kim, Choong-Sup Gil, and Young-Ouk Lee(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 2A : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 10.30(Thu) 11:40 | 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅰ | Improvement of Resonance Interference Treatment in STREAM | Sooyoung Choi, Azamat Khassenov, and Deokjung Lee(UNIST) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 2A : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 10.30(Thu) 12:00 | 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅰ | Model Calculation of Fission Product Yields Data using GEF Code | Jounghwa Lee, Choong-Sup Gil, and Young-Ouk Lee(KAERI) Seung-Woo Hong(SKKU) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 2B : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 10.30(Thu) 09:00 | 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅱ | Implementation of Low Boron Core for APR1400 Initial Cycle | TaeKyun Lim, SeungRyeol Yang, and K.B.Seong(KEPCO NF) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 2B : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 10.30(Thu) 09:20 | 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅱ | Preliminary Investigation of the Soluble Boron Free AP1000 Core with the BigT Burnable Absorber | Mohd-Syukri Yahya and Yonghee Kim(KAIST) HyeongHeon Kim(KEPCO E&C) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 2B : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 10.30(Thu) 09:40 | 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅱ | Burnable Absorbers with Enriched Er-167 in PWR Fuel Assembly | Jiwon Choe, Chidong Kong, and Deokjung Lee(UNIST) Ho Cheol Shin(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 2B : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 10.30(Thu) 10:00 | 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅱ | New Sodium Cooled Long-Life Cores with Axially Multi-Driver Regions | Hae Ri Hyun and Ser Gi Hong(KHU) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 2B : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 10.30(Thu) 10:20 | 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅱ | Applicability of Various Fuel Forms with TRU for Small SFR | Tae-Yang Noh and Myung Hyun Kim(KHU) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 2B : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 10.30(Thu) 11:00 | 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅱ | Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Cores using Uranium-Free Metallic Fuels for Maximizing TRU Support Ratio | WuSeung You and Ser Gi Hong(KHU) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 2B : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 10.30(Thu) 11:20 | 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅱ | Impacts of Nuclear Data on the Core Characteristics of a Compact Breed-and-Burn Fast Reactor (B&BR) | Donny Hartanto and Yonghee Kim(KAIST) Peng Hong Liem(NAIS CO., Inc) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 2B : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) | 10.30(Thu) 11:40 | 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅱ | A Neutronic Feasibility Study on a Small LEU Fueled Reactor for Space Applications | Hyun Chul Lee, Hong Sik Lim, and Tae Young Han(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn