
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2014-Autumn 2A : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 10.30(Thu) 09:40 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅰ Investigation of the Power Coefficient of Reactivity of 3D CANDU Reactor through Detailed Monte Carlo Analysis Mohammad Abdul Motalab, Woosong Kim, and Yonghee Kim(KAIST) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 2A : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 10.30(Thu) 10:00 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅰ A Study of Neutronics Effects of the Spacer Grids in a Typical PWR via Monte Carlo Calculation Tran Xuan Bach and Nam Zin Cho(KAIST) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 2A : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 10.30(Thu) 10:20 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅰ Real Variance Estimation of BEAVRS Whole Core Benchmark in Monte Carlo Eigenvalue Calculations Ho Jin Park and Hyun Chul Lee(KAERI) Hyung Jin Shim and Chang Hyo Kim(SNU) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 2A : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 10.30(Thu) 11:00 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅰ Incorporation of Anisotropic Scattering in Ntracer Min Ryu, Yeon Sang Jung, Chang Hyun Lim, and Han Gyu Joo(SNU) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 2A : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 10.30(Thu) 11:20 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅰ A Preliminary Study on a Method for Generating Self-shielded Multi-group Cross Sections in an Unresolved Resonance Region Jong Woon Kim, Sang Ji Kim, Choong-Sup Gil, and Young-Ouk Lee(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 2A : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 10.30(Thu) 11:40 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅰ Improvement of Resonance Interference Treatment in STREAM Sooyoung Choi, Azamat Khassenov, and Deokjung Lee(UNIST) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 2A : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 10.30(Thu) 12:00 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅰ Model Calculation of Fission Product Yields Data using GEF Code Jounghwa Lee, Choong-Sup Gil, and Young-Ouk Lee(KAERI) Seung-Woo Hong(SKKU) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 2B : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 10.30(Thu) 09:00 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅱ Implementation of Low Boron Core for APR1400 Initial Cycle TaeKyun Lim, SeungRyeol Yang, and K.B.Seong(KEPCO NF) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 2B : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 10.30(Thu) 09:20 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅱ Preliminary Investigation of the Soluble Boron Free AP1000 Core with the BigT Burnable Absorber Mohd-Syukri Yahya and Yonghee Kim(KAIST) HyeongHeon Kim(KEPCO E&C) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 2B : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 10.30(Thu) 09:40 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅱ Burnable Absorbers with Enriched Er-167 in PWR Fuel Assembly Jiwon Choe, Chidong Kong, and Deokjung Lee(UNIST) Ho Cheol Shin(KHNP CRI) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 2B : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 10.30(Thu) 10:00 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅱ New Sodium Cooled Long-Life Cores with Axially Multi-Driver Regions Hae Ri Hyun and Ser Gi Hong(KHU) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 2B : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 10.30(Thu) 10:20 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅱ Applicability of Various Fuel Forms with TRU for Small SFR Tae-Yang Noh and Myung Hyun Kim(KHU) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 2B : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 10.30(Thu) 11:00 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅱ Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Cores using Uranium-Free Metallic Fuels for Maximizing TRU Support Ratio WuSeung You and Ser Gi Hong(KHU) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 2B : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 10.30(Thu) 11:20 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅱ Impacts of Nuclear Data on the Core Characteristics of a Compact Breed-and-Burn Fast Reactor (B&BR) Donny Hartanto and Yonghee Kim(KAIST) Peng Hong Liem(NAIS CO., Inc) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 2B : 원자로물리 및 계산과학 (Reactor Physics and Computational Science) 10.30(Thu) 11:40 스키하우스 2층, 스피넬Ⅱ A Neutronic Feasibility Study on a Small LEU Fueled Reactor for Space Applications Hyun Chul Lee, Hong Sik Lim, and Tae Young Han(KAERI) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn