학술발표회 논문집
Year | Div | Date/Time | ROOM | Title | Author | Abstract File | Presentation File |
2014-Autumn | 4A : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.30(Thu) 11:40 | 호텔 2층, 휘닉스볼룸 Ⅲ | Microstructural Changes on Tensile Property of Austenitic Alloys Exposed to High Temperature Supercritical-CO2 Environment | Hyunmyung Kim, Ho Jung Lee, and Changheui Jang(KAIST) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 4A : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.30(Thu) 12:00 | 호텔 2층, 휘닉스볼룸 Ⅲ | A Study on Microstructural Changes of Austenitic Stainless Steel After Proton Irradiation | Hyung-Ha Jin, Eunsol Ko, Junhyun Kwon, and Sungsik Hwang(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 4B : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.31(Fri) 09:00 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드Ⅰ | Comparison on Mechanical Properties of SA508 Gr.3 CI.1, C1.2, and Gr.4N Low Alloy Steels for Pressure Vessels | Min-Chul Kim, Sang-Gyu Park, and Bong-Sang Lee(KAERI) Ki-Hyoung Lee(KINS) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 4B : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.31(Fri) 09:20 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드Ⅰ | Calculation of DPA in the Reactor Internal Structural Materials of Nuclear Power Plant | Yong Deog Kim and Hwan Soo Lee(KHNP-CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 4B : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.31(Fri) 09:40 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드Ⅰ | The Effects of Dissolved Hydrogen on PWSCC Initiation Behavior and Oxide Characteristics of Alloy 182 Weld | Jong-Dae Hong, Ho-Sub Kim, Junho Lee, Myeong-Gyu Seo, and Changheui Jang(KAIST) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 4B : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.31(Fri) 10:00 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드Ⅰ | Self-ion Irradiation Damage of F/M and ODS steels | Suk Hoon Kang, Young-Bum Chun, Sanghoon Noh, Jinsung Jang, and Tae Kyu Kim(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 4B : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.31(Fri) 10:20 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드Ⅰ | Effect of Dissolved Hydrogen on Crack Growth Rate in Stainless Steel | K.J. Choi, S.C.Yoo, T.H. Kim, S.H. Kim, and J.H. Kim(UNIST) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 4B : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.31(Fri) 11:00 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드Ⅰ | Microstructural Analysis of the Type-Il Boundary Region in Alloy 152 Weld | Seung Chang Yoo, Kyoung Joon Choi, and Ji Hyun Kim(UNIST) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 4B : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.31(Fri) 11:20 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드Ⅰ | End Closure Welding of SFR Metallic Fuel Rod by GTAW | Jung Won Lee, Soo Sung Kim, Yoon Myeng Woo, Hyung Tae Kim, Ki Hwan Kim, and Kyung Ho Yoon(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 4B : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials) | 10.31(Fri) 11:40 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드Ⅰ | Investigation of Reusable Crucibles on Uranium Casting by Injection Method | Hoon Song, Jong-Hwan Kim, Young-Mo Ko, Yoon-Myung Woo, Ki-Hwan Kim, and Chan-Bock Lee(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 4C : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)- Poster | 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 | Cr Effect on The Corrosion Behavior in Zr Alloy | Jung-ho Shin, Hoon Jang, Yoon-ho Kim, Yong-Kyoon Mok, and Seung-Jae Lee(KEPCO NF) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 4C : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)- Poster | 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 | Development of Non-Destructive Test for Fuel Rods using X-ray CT in Hotcell | Heemoon Kim, Byung Ok Yoo, Gil Soo Kim, Sang Ryul Baek, Ki Soo Heo, and Sang Bok Ahn(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 4C : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)- Poster | 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 | Corrosion Behavior of The Zr-Nb Experimental Alloys with Final Annealing | Min-Young Choi, Chung-Yong Lee, Sung- Yong Lee, and Yong-Kyoon Mok(KEPCO NF) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 4C : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)- Poster | 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 | Enhanced Thermal Conductivities of ZrO2 Pellets Reinforced with Mo Wires or Powder | Joon Hui Kim, Soon H. Hong, and Ho Jin Ryu(KAIST) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 4C : 핵연료 및 원자력재료(Nuclear Fuel and Materials)- Poster | 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 | Corrosion Resistance Evaluation of HANA Claddings in Commercial PWR | Hee-Hun Lee, Oh-Hyun Kwon, Hong-Jin Kim, Jong-Sung Yoo, and Yong-Hwan Kim(KEPCO NF) | PDF보기 | - |
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn