학술발표회 논문집
Year | Div | Date/Time | ROOM | Title | Author | Abstract File | Presentation File |
2014-Autumn | 7B : 양자공학 및 핵융합기술-Poster (Quantum Engineering and Nuclear Fusion) | 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 | Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer in DU Hydriding | Jongcheol Park, Daeseo Koo, and Hongsuk Chung(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 7B : 양자공학 및 핵융합기술-Poster (Quantum Engineering and Nuclear Fusion) | 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 | Design of Multi-Harmonic Buncher for Pulsed Proton Beam | Han-Sung Kim, Hyeok-Jung Kwon, and Yong-Sub Cho(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 7B : 양자공학 및 핵융합기술-Poster (Quantum Engineering and Nuclear Fusion) | 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 | Comparison Study on Finite Element Model for Structural Analysis of Lower CTS Cylinder Lifting Adaptor in ITER Assembly Tool | Jinho Bae, Kyoungo Nam, Hyunki Park, Dongiin Kim, and Heejae Ahn(NFRI) Yongsu Yoo(SFA Engineenng Corp.,) Emma Watson and Robert Shaw(ITER) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 7B : 양자공학 및 핵융합기술-Poster (Quantum Engineering and Nuclear Fusion) | 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 | Corrosion Test Using Commercial FMS and Developed ARAA in the Experimental Loop for Liquid Breeder | J. S. Yoon, S. K. Kim, E. H. Lee, H. G. Jin, D. W. Lee, and Y. I. Jung(KAERI) H. G Lee(NFRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 8A : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 10.30(Thu) 09:00 | 호텔 3층, 토파즈Ⅰ | Fragility Assessment Method of Concrete Wall Subjected to Impact Loading | Fragility Assessment Method of Concrete Wall Subjected to Impact Loading | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 8A : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 10.30(Thu) 09:20 | 호텔 3층, 토파즈Ⅰ | Modal Testing of the CEDM Assembly | Modal Testing of the CEDM Assembly | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 8A : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 10.30(Thu) 09:40 | 호텔 3층, 토파즈Ⅰ | A New Physical Protection System Design and Evaluation Process | A New Physical Protection System Design and Evaluation Process | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 8A : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 10.30(Thu) 10:00 | 호텔 3층, 토파즈Ⅰ | Prediction of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient for RMI Insulation Using the Test and Analysis | Prediction of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient for RMI Insulation Using the Test and Analysis | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 8A : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 10.30(Thu) 10:20 | 호텔 3층, 토파즈Ⅰ | A Study on U-bending Technology Using Rotary Draw Bending | A Study on U-bending Technology Using Rotary Draw Bending | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 8A : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 10.30(Thu) 11:00 | 호텔 3층, 토파즈Ⅰ | Improvement in Mechanical Properties of SA508 Gr.1a Piping Material by Modifying Microstructure | Improvement in Mechanical Properties of SA508 Gr.1a Piping Material by Modifying Microstructure | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 8A : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 10.30(Thu) 11:20 | 호텔 3층, 토파즈Ⅰ | Design of The Backup-hardcopy in A4 Size | Design of The Backup-hardcopy in A4 Size | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 8A : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 10.30(Thu) 11:40 | 호텔 3층, 토파즈Ⅰ | Prioritization of Delay Factors for NPP Construction Risk in International Project by Using AHP Methodology | Prioritization of Delay Factors for NPP Construction Risk in International Project by Using AHP Methodology | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 10.31(Fri) 09:00 | 호텔 3층, 토파즈Ⅰ | A Sensitivity Study for an Evaluation of Input Parameters Effect on a Preliminary Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis | Hyun-Me Rhee, Min Kyu Kim, and In-Kil Choi(KAERI) Dong-Hoon Sheen(CNU) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 10.31(Fri) 09:20 | 호텔 3층, 토파즈Ⅰ | Evaluation of Floor Response Spectrum Considering Ductility of Structure | Junhee Park and In-Kil Choi(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Autumn | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술(Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 10.31(Fri) 09:40 | 호텔 3층, 토파즈Ⅰ | Floor Response Evaluation for Building Subjected to Liquid Filled Missile Impact | Sang Shup Shin, Daegi Hahm, and In-Kil Choi(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn