
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2014-Autumn 5C : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety)-Poster 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 A Study on the Coupled FEM-Analysis for Reactor Vessel Lower Head of APR1400 under the Severe Accident Scenario Hyonam Kim and Ihn Namgung(KINGS) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 5C : 원자력열수력 및 안전(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety)-Poster 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 Introduction to the Modified TROI Test Facility for Fuel Coolant Interaction under a Submerged Reactor Vessel Young Su Na, Seong-Wan Hong, Jin Ho Song, and Seong-Ho Hong(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 5D : 원자력열수력 및 안전-Poster(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 Survey on Challenging Issues of Multi-Unit PSA Kyemin Oh and Gyunyoung Heo(KHU) Seung-cheol Jang(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 5D : 원자력열수력 및 안전-Poster(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 A Methodology for Evaluating Severe Accident Management Strategies Yongjin Lee and Moosung Jae(HYU) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 5D : 원자력열수력 및 안전-Poster(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 Impact on the PSV Stuck Open According to the Henry-Fauske Model Modification in RELAP5/MOD3.3 Dong Hyun Cho, Cheol Woo Kim, Jae Young Huh, Gyu Cheon Lee, and Shin Whan Kim(KEPCO E&C) PDF보기 PPT보기
2014-Autumn 5D : 원자력열수력 및 안전-Poster(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 Development of a Risk Assessment Methodology and An Application Tae Wook Kang and Moosung Jae(HYU) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 5D : 원자력열수력 및 안전-Poster(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 A Computer Program for Assessing Nuclear Safety Culture Impact Kiyoon Han and Moosung Jae(HYU) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 5D : 원자력열수력 및 안전-Poster(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 Study of Updating Initiating Event Frequency using Prognostics Hyeonmin Kim, Sang-Hwan Lee, Jun-seok Park, Hyungdae Kim, Yoon-Suk Chang, and Gyunyoung Heo(KHU) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 5D : 원자력열수력 및 안전-Poster(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 Quantitative Screening Analysis of Internal Flooding PSA Using the EPRI Methodology For Kori 2 Nuclear Power Plant Hyungho Lee(FNC Tech.) Hyun Gyo Lee(KHNP CRI) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 5D : 원자력열수력 및 안전-Poster(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 Quantification of ISLOCA Frequency Using Plant Specific and NUREG/CR-6928 Reliability Data for Kori 3 and 4 Nuclear Power Plant Cheol Ju Kim(FNC Tech.) Tae-Young Shin(KHNP CRI) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 5D : 원자력열수력 및 안전-Poster(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 A COCAP Program for Estimating the Common Cause Failure Parameters Baehyeuk Kwon(KAERI) Jangwan Moon and Moosung Jae(HYU) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 5E : 원자력열수력 및 안전-Poster(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 Suggestion of a New Empirical Correlation to predict Pool Boiling Heat Transfer on Tandem Tubes Myeong-Gie Kang(ANU) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 5E : 원자력열수력 및 안전-Poster(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 Improved Measurement System and Design Characteristics of the ATLAS Facility B. U. Bae, K. Y. Choi, K. H. Kang, J. R. Kim, Y. S. Park, Y. C. Shin, N. H. Choi, and K. H. Min(KAERI) S. G. Lim(KHNP CRI) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 5E : 원자력열수력 및 안전-Poster(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 Effects of Dihedral Angle on Pool Boiling Heat Transfer from Two Tubes in Vertical Alignment Myeong-Gie Kang(ANU) PDF보기 -
2014-Autumn 5E : 원자력열수력 및 안전-Poster(Thermal Hydraulics and Safety) 10.30(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 호텔 2층, 다이아몬드 Test Specification of A1-2 Test for OECD-ATLAS Project Kyoung-Ho Kang, Sang-Ki Moon, Seung-Wook Lee, Ki-Yong Choi, and Chul-Hwa Song(KAERI) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn