학술발표회 논문집
Year | Div | Date/Time | ROOM | Title | Author | Abstract File | Presentation File |
2014-Spring | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술 (Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 5.29(Thu) 11:40 | 401B | Current Status of Long Range Pipeline Inspection Method for Nuclear Power Plant | Jaesun Lee and Younho Cho(PNU) Paul Jackson(Plant Intergrity Ltd.,) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술 (Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 5.29(Thu) 12:00 | 401B | Dispersant Application during SG Wet Layup at SK Unit 1 | Hyuk-Chul Kwon, Doo-Ho Lee, and Ki-Bang Sung(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술 (Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 5.29(Thu) 12:20 | 401B | Thermodynamic Assessment of Silica Precipitation in the Primary Coolant of PWR Plants | Dooho Lee, Hyukchul Kwon, and Kibang Sung(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 8B : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술 (Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 5.29(Thu) 12:40 | 401B | Development of Evaluation Technology for Prevention of Two-Phase FAC on Carbon Steel | Kyung Mo Kim, Hee-Sang Shim, Eun Hee Lee, and Do Haeng Hur(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 8C : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술 (Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 5.30(Fri) 09:00 | 401B | Design of Seismic Test Rig for Control Rod Drive Mechanism of Jordan Research&Training Reactor | Jong-Oh Sun, Gyeongho Kim, Yeon-Sik Yoo, Yeong-Garp Cho, and Jong In Kim(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 8C : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술 (Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 5.30(Fri) 09:20 | 401B | Effect of Variation in the Stiffness of Lead Rubber Bearing on Seismic Response of Base-Isolated NPP Structures | Junhee Park, Young-Sun Choun, and In-Kil Choi(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 8C : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술 (Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 5.30(Fri) 09:40 | 401B | Site Response Assessment Using Borehole Aeismic Records | Park, Dong-Hee, Chang, Chun-Joong, and Choi, Weon-Hack(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 8C : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술 (Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 5.30(Fri) 10:00 | 401B | Draft for KINS Regulatory Guide on Seismic Isolation System of Nuclear Power Plant Structures | Sei-Hyun Lee, Chang-Hun Hyun, Hohyun Cho, Moon-Soo Kim, and Changbock Im(KINS) Sanghyun Choi(Univ. of Transportation) Kee-Jeung Hong(KMU) | PDF보기 | PPT보기 |
2014-Spring | 8C : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술 (Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 5.30(Fri) 10:20 | 401B | Effects on the Floor Response Spectra by the Nonlinear Behavior of a Seismic Base Isolation System | Hyung-Kui Park, Jung Han Kim, and In-Kil Choi(KAERI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 8C : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술 (Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 5.30(Fri) 11:00 | 401B | A Study on the Development of Prototype Seismic Isolation Device for NPP | Hong-Pyo Lee, Myung-Sug Cho, Sunyong Kim, Yong-Hee Lee, and Kyung-Hun Kang(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 8C : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술 (Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 5.30(Fri) 11:20 | 401B | Parametric Study of SC Panel Subjected to Impact Loading | Hyuk-Kee Lee and Seung-Eock Kim(Sejong Univ.) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 8C : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술 (Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 5.30(Fri) 11:40 | 401B | Numerical Simulation of Soft Missile Impact on Reinforced Concrete Slab | Thai Duc-Kien and Kim Seung-Eock(Sejong Univ.) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 8C : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술 (Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 5.30(Fri) 12:00 | 401B | Constitutive Model of ASTM A992 Steel at Elevated Temperature for Application in Nuclear Power Plants | Jinwoo LEE(KEPCO E&C) Michael D. Engelhardt(UTA) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 8D : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술 - Poster (Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 3층 로비 | Sensitivity Analyses of RPV Integrity under an IVR-ERVC Condition | Tae Hyun Kim, Seung Hyun Kim, and Yoon-Suk Chang(KHU) | PDF보기 | - |
2014-Spring | 8D : 원전 건설 및 운영 기술 - Poster (Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Operation Technology) | 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 | 3층 로비 | Basic Study of Establishment of Quality Assurance Processes to Develop an Integrated Quality Assurance System for Nuclear Power Plant Construction | Lim, Byung-Ki, Moon, Byeong-Suk, and Lee, Jae Kyoung(KHNP CRI) | PDF보기 | - |
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn