
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2014-Spring 9B : 원자력정책 , 인력 및 협력 - Poster (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Development of Regulatory Expectations for Licensee’s Safety Culture Su Jin Jung, Jang Jin Oh, and Young Sung Choi(KINS) PDF보기 -
2014-Spring 9B : 원자력정책 , 인력 및 협력 - Poster (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Change in Knowledge of Korean Elementary, Middle, and High School Students in the Fundamental Education on the Nuclear Power Generation JaeRok Kim, SeungKoo Lee, YoonSeok Choi, and EunOk Han(KANS) PDF보기 -
2014-Spring 9B : 원자력정책 , 인력 및 협력 - Poster (Nuclear Policy, Human Resources and Cooperation) 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 The Status of Development on a Web-Based Nuclear Material Accounting System at KAERI Byung-Doo Lee, In-Chul Kim, Seung-Ho Lee, and Hyan-Jo Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2014-Spring 10A : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 5.29(Thu) 09:00 202B Transversal of Procedure Elements in a Computerized Procedure System Yeonsub Jung(KHNP CRI) PDF보기 -
2014-Spring 10A : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 5.29(Thu) 09:20 202B A Study on Issues and Solutions about Logic Functions Applied to Computerized Procedure System in APR1400 Nokyu Seong, Sungjin Lee, and Yeonseob Jung(KHNP CRI) PDF보기 -
2014-Spring 10A : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 5.29(Thu) 09:40 202B A Study of the Behavior Characteristics for K-type Thermocouple Songhae Ye, Yongsik Kim, and Sooill Lee(KHNP CRI) Sungjin Kim(Woojin Inc) Joon Lyou(CNU) PDF보기 -
2014-Spring 10A : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 5.29(Thu) 10:00 202B Performance Evaluation of MMXRF for Screening Environmental Swipe Samples Ki-tek Han, Jong-ho Yoon, Hana Seo, and Gil Hoon Ahn(KINAC) PDF보기 -
2014-Spring 10A : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 5.29(Thu) 10:20 202B Evaluation of the Automatic Density Compensation for Pressurizer Level Measurement lnsoo Jeong, Seohong Min, and Myunghoon Ahn(KEPCO E&C) PDF보기 -
2014-Spring 10A : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 5.29(Thu) 11:00 202B A Framework for Cyber Security Test Kyung-Soo Han, Jae-Gu Song, Sung-Min Jung, lung-Woon Lee, and Cheol-Kwon Lee(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2014-Spring 10A : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 5.29(Thu) 11:20 202B Resistance Type In-Core Corium Detection Instrument Seung J. Yoo, Bo H. Choi, Su Y. Choi, and Chun T. Rim(KAIST) PDF보기 PPT보기
2014-Spring 10A : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격(Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 5.29(Thu) 11:40 202B Preliminary Conceptual Design for Safety Parameter Display System of PGSFR Hyun-Ju Jo, Seung-Hwan SEONG, Wan-Su Kim, Dong-Hoon Kim, Kwang-Seop Son, and Gwi-Sook Jang(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2014-Spring 10B : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 - Poster (Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 A Mock-up Design for Control Room of the Research Reactor Goo-Hyun Ryu, Dong-Jin Lee, Ju-Hong Park, Youn-Sang Lee, and Min-Gyu Kim(PONUTech Co.) PDF보기 -
2014-Spring 10B : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 - Poster (Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 A Study of BUS Architecture Design for Controller of Nuclear Power Plant Using FPGA Dongil Lee, Donghwa Yun, Sungjae Hwang, Myeongyun Kim, and Dongyun Lee(PONUTech Co.) PDF보기 PPT보기
2014-Spring 10B : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 - Poster (Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 Demonstration Facility for Engineering-Scale Pyroprocessing K. H. Kim, J. K. Lee, B. S. Park, S. H. Kim, D. S. Ryu, J. H. Han, S. N. Yu, and I. J. Cho(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2014-Spring 10B : 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 - Poster (Nuclear l&C and Automatic Remote Systems) 5.29(Thu) 13:00 ~ 15:00 3층 로비 A Study of Cyber Security Activities for Development of Safety-related Controller Myeong-Kyun Lee, Seung-Hwan Song, Kwan-Woo Yoo, and Dong-Hwa Yun(PONUTech Co.) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn