
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2014-Spring WL : 원자력 소통 이대로 괜찮은가? 5.28(Wed) 14:00 301 원자력 소통 이대로 괜찮은가? (사)한국여성원자력전문인협회, 원자력정책, 인력 및 협력 PDF보기 -
2014-Spring WM : 건전성 평가와 진단을 통한 원전 성능 및 사고시 안전성 증진 5.28(Wed) 13:00 302 건전성 평가와 진단을 통한 원전 성능 및 사고시 안전성 증진 원자력계측제어 및 자동원격 PDF보기 -
2014-Spring WN : 초·중·고 교사초청 원자력 교육 토론회 5.28(Wed) 15:30 300 초·중·고 교사초청 원자력 교육 토론회 한국원자력학회, 경희대 원자로센터, 제주도특별자치도교육청 PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 0A : 정기총회 및 특별강연(Regular General Meeting and Special Lectures) 10.24(Thu) 15:00 Convention A 제46회 정기총회 - -
2013- Autumn 0A : 정기총회 및 특별강연(Regular General Meeting and Special Lectures) 10.24(Thu) 16:30 Convention A 특별강연1 : 원자력안전 및 현안 Un Chul LEE(NSSC) - -
2013- Autumn 0A : 정기총회 및 특별강연(Regular General Meeting and Special Lectures) 10.24(Thu) 17:10 Convention A 특별강연2 : 사용후핵연료 논의 속도를 내야 Kap Soo Han(21세기에너지연구회 - -
2013- Autumn 1A : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 10.24(Thu) 09:00 오팔 Thermal Stress Investigation of Reactor Coolant System of VVER-1000 Reactor for Normal Operation Condition Nguyen Truong Quang and Ihn Namgung(KINGS) PDF보기 PPT보기
2013- Autumn 1A : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 10.24(Thu) 09:20 오팔 2-D Simulation on the Contact of Pressure Tube and Calandria Tube in the Severe Accident of PHWR System Se-Myong Chang(KNU) Hyoung Tae Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 1A : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 10.24(Thu) 09:40 오팔 An Assessment of ν2- ?Model for Water Mixed Convection under SMR Configuration Andhika Feri Wibisono, Yohanes Setiawan Nietiadi, Yacine Addad, and Jeong Ik Lee(KAIST) PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 1A : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 10.24(Thu) 10:00 오팔 Preliminary Design of the Active Residual Heat Removal System and a Circulation Pump in the Research Reactor Hyun-Gi Yoon, Kyoung-Woo Seo, Seong-hoon Kim, and Juhyeon Yoon(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 1A : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 10.24(Thu) 10:20 오팔 Evaluation of Stresses in Shell to Head Transition Region in VVER Reactor Vessels Nguyen Thanh Long and Namgung Ihn(KINGS) PDF보기 PPT보기
2013- Autumn 1A : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 10.24(Thu) 11:00 오팔 Comparison of CFD Simulations of Moderator Circulation Phenomena for a CANDU-6 Reactor and MCT Facility Hyoung Tae Kim, Jae Eun Cha, and Han Seo(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 1A : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 10.24(Thu) 11:20 오팔 Evaluation of Passive Containment Cooling System Design of SMART Built in GBS for Ocean Environment Under the Fukushima Accident Condition Min-Gil Kim, Seong Gu Kim, Jeong Ik Lee, Kang-Heon Lee, and Phil-Seung Lee(KAIST) PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 1B : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 10.25(Fri) 09:00 다이아몬드 Large Eddy Simulation of Thermal Striping in a Triple Jet Seok-Ki Choi, Seong-O Kim, and Tae-Ho Lee(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2013- Autumn 1B : 원자로시스템기술(Reactor System Technology) 10.25(Fri) 09:20 다이아몬드 A Preliminary PIRT Development Related to SWR Accidents from an SG Tube Failure Dongsup So, Ji-Young Jeong, and Yong-Bum Lee(KAERI) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn