
학술발표회 논문집

Year Div Date/Time ROOM Title Author Abstract File Presentation File
2012-Spring 제 2 분과 : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Experience of Axial Offset Anomaly (AOA) Risk Assessment for Reload Core after Steam Generator Replacement Sun-Kwan Hong, Eui-Seung Ryu, and Chan-Kook Moon(KHNP CRI) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 2 분과 : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) An Idea of 20% Test of the Inital Core Reactor Physics Yang Sung-Tae, Roh Kyung-Ho, and Jung Ji-Eun(KHNP CRI) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 2 분과 : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Performance Evaluation of Neutron Radiography Facility at Kyung Hee University Reactor, AGN-201K Jong-Min Choi and Myung-Hyun Kim(KHU) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 2 분과 : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Design of Ultra-long Cycle Fast Reactor with PWR Spent Fuel Tae Woo Tak and Deokjung Lee(UNIST) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 2 분과 : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) A Physics Characteristics Evaluation of a Fuel Assembly Loaded with LEU FCM Fuel in a LWR Chang Keun Jo, Jae Man Noh, Jongwha Chang, and Won Jae Lee(KAERI) F. Venneri(USNC) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 2 분과 : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) A Development of Monte Carlo Evaluation Method with Particle Sampling Technique for Pebble Bed Reactor Song Hyun KIM, Ji Sun SEO, Byung Hee WON, Hong-Chul KIM, and Jong Kyung KIM(HYU) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 2 분과 : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Monte-carlo Simulation of Particle Beam Irradiation for Fusion First-wall Yong-Kyo Lee and Myung-Hyun Kim(KHU) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 2 분과 : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Analysis on Radioactive Waste Transmutation at a Clean Fusion-fission Hybrid Reactor M. Tariq Siddique and Myung-Hyun Kim(KHU) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 2 분과 : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Preliminary Conceptual Design for a Prototype Experimental Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Hee-Hun Lee and Myung-Hyun Kim(KHU) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 2 분과 : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Reutilization of PWR Spent Fuel in a Small Breed-and-Burn Fast Reactor Donny Hartanto and Yonghee Kim(KAIST) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 2 분과 : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Effect of Reflector Material on the Neutronic Characteristics of the Small Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Sunghwan Yun, Min-ho Baek, Jaewoon Yoo, and Sang Ji Kim(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 2 분과 : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Generation of Few-group Cross-sections by MCNP5 and Their Comparison with Deterministic Code for the Small Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Sunghwan Yun, Jaewoon Yoo, and Sang Ji Kim(KAERI)Yonghee Kim(KAIST) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 2 분과 : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Impacts of the Fission Products and Control Rods Position on the KALIMER-600 Sodium Void Worth Pham Nhu Viet HA, Jaewoon YOO, Min-Ho BAEK, and Sang-Ji KIM(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 2 분과 : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Comparative Analysis of Single and Dual Irradiation Pass of Deep Burn High Temperature Reactor Scenario Chang Joon Jeong, Chang Keun Jo, and Jae Man Noh(KAERI) PDF보기 -
2012-Spring 제 2 분과 : 핵자료, 원자로물리 및 계산과학(Nuclear Data, Reactor Physics and Computational Science) Preliminary Study for Few Group Constants Generation by a Whole Core Monte Carlo Calculation Ho Jin Park, Jin Young Cho, and Jae Seung Song(KAERI) Hyung Jin Shim(SNU) PDF보기 -
Last Modified : 1998-Autumn